Revision history for Perl extension Locale::Maketext::Utils.
0.39 Sat Dec 28 15:22:33 2013
- bump 0.38 prereq to ensure consistent behavior (1fff2ef8-6eac-11e3-91a4-85750ba9aafd)
0.38 Thu Dec 26 17:40:06 2013
- improve punycode logic
- improve makethis_base() semantics
- POD create_method
- POD explaining internal mock object
- add list_and_quoted() and list_or_quoted() BN methods
0.37 Mon Nov 18 21:50:34 2013
- change makevar glob from \* to \& due to binary issues
- Handle output,url-with-trailing-var ambiguity
- Add href to ignore attribute list of output,url
- HTML5-ify output,acronym: bootstrap style
- make L::M::_langtag_munging() CLDR aware by overriding buggy I18N::LangTags panic
- make set_context() return context (like other context methods)
- add empty RV support to all set_context methods
- more context tests
- rt 79490 - Make context detection smarter via Web::Detect
- filter spiff ups:
- added pod to begin/end checks suggesting [comment]/[asis] as a possible solution
- bare vars:
- allow for beginning quoted value: “[_1]” is blah blah blah.
- allow for bare-var’s
- kill needless uninit value warnings
- do not consider BV at the beginning or end of a parenthesized chunk of text to be bare
- consider BV immediately next to alphanumeric to be bare var still
- title case fix && end not extra
- support emb methods in output URL link text
- add url emb to display text that does not come from html or plain keys
- rt 85588 - makevar() should also, alternatively, accept an array ref (i.e. for easier use in TT)
- rt 76706 - silence test warnings from way deep down
- rt 79727 - use more readily installable punycode module
- update min req versions of Locale::Maketext and Locales to latest
- ???
0.36 Mon Aug 13 12:28:55 2012
- rt 78889 - add blurb about source/target phrases to new_source()/new_target() POD
- Update MarkPhrase POD to reference lextext() instead of the deprecated text()
- Add makevar() method
- Alias makevar() correctly
- new() to new_source() in tests
- Promote Escapes, BeginUpper, and Consider’s bare-variable check to default filters.
- Improve Filters’ “Normalization” and “Rationale” POD sections. (includes rt 78749 and rt 80066)
- subset of rt 81300 and comment fixups
- Make BeginUpper filter a warning
- Make Ellipsis filter a warning
- rt 81243: expand medial ellipsis check to handle being at the beginning or end of a parenthesized chunk of text
- rt 81243 (sort of): allow punctuation after trailing ellipsis
0.35 Thu Aug 9 15:30:52 2012
- rt 78871 - rename normalizing object constructors
- rt 78748 - ellipsis typo
- rt 78603 - handle undef value to normalize()
- rt 78073 - POD typo
- rt 78870 - rename lexicon lookup method for less ambiguity
0.34 Mon Jun 25 20:12:28 2012
- rt 78036: silence uninit warnings during normalize()
- rt 78032: minor output,url tweaks
- rt 77669: typo
- rt 77923: translation normalization, cPanel legacy normalization (including the translation variation)
0.33 Fri Jun 1 11:12:31 2012
- Add 0.32 output()s to 'meth' type in
0.32 Thu May 31 17:32:19 2012
- rt 77527: add Test::Warn as a dependency
- Added output() amp, lt, gt, apos, quot, shy
- Added L::M::U::MarkPhrase::translatable()
- Updated rt 77538 to look for that
0.31 Thu Apr 26 15:57:43 2012
- rt 76607: POD typo
- rt 76778: Support format_for() in datetime()
- Add initial Locale::Maketext::Utils::Phrase phrase-object-precursor functions
- t/*.phrase_object_precursor_functions.t
- Use those functions to improve the Consider filter (t/07.phrase_norm.t && t/08.cpanel_norm.t still pass)
- Added overlooked t/pod.t
- Added _TILDE_ placeholder.
0.30 Mon Apr 16 10:43:23 2012
- rt 76601: 'Has one check that falls under "extra filters" currently.' should be under 'Consider' not 'Compiles'
0.29 Fri Apr 13 14:11:56 2012
- rt 76507: Make “multiple invalid initial, medial, or final ellipsis” modifications more useful
0.28 Wed Apr 11 08:52:46 2012
- have default for's maketext_object be a mock obj (class is problematic per code comment)
- change get_maketext_object_or_package() to get_maketext_object
- Add Locale::Maketext::Utils::Mock
- rt 76491:POD: remove sentence erroneously left in place in 0.27 update
- spiff up 'Ellipsis' to account for i.e., e.g., && bracket notation w/ concurrent ,, to denote empty string
- fix WS regex
0.27 Mon Apr 9 13:20:29 2012
- rt 76332: non-bytes string (non-perl) U notation check fix
- rt 76360: Add a filter for phrase compiles OK
- Add 'run_extra_filters' to object
- 'run_extra_filters'-ify EndPunc, BeginUpper, Escape, and "Bare Variable" in Consider
0.26 Thu Mar 29 12:40:23 2012
- Add cPanel normalization "recipe": Locale::Maketext::Utils::Phrase::cPanel
- fix POD in …::Norm::Markup …::Norm::EndPunc
- rt 76146: add filter for escapes
0.25 Thu Mar 22 12:39:55 2012
- adjust output,url regex in 'Consider' filter to capture the first arg instead of all args for the example
0.24 Thu Mar 22 09:29:55 2012
- rt 75979: Do not use /p so that it will work on perls older than 5.10
- rt 75919: POD normalize_maketext_string() spiff ups
0.23 Fri Mar 16 11:32:43 2012
- fix clipped get_asset() POD example
- fix various POD spelling/verbiage issues
- rt 75739: Code moment in Locale/Maketext/ it's to its
- rt 75737: POD better sentence in Locale::Maketext::Utils::Phrase::Norm
- comment out special chr output_ENT tags until approved && POD/test can be sprinted along w/ them
- call both object's cache flushing methods by the same name
- change output_segment, output_fragment to output_block and output_inline respectively
- Added TODO data to POD for BeginUpper and EndPunc filters
- Added tests to ensure that EndPunc … in character class is caught
0.22 Sun Mar 11 23:07:00 2012
- rt 75651 Add “=encoding utf-8” to POD of Locale::Maketext::Utils::Phrase::Norm
- document quant() max decimal place
- add _* support to embedded arg check in _compile()
- updated required Locale::Maketext and version to the latest
- Added t/07.phrase_norm.t from 0.21 to the manifest and thus the tarball
0.21 Fri Mar 2 11:31:57 2012
- only do embedded methods when the string is defined and has a ( in it
- added output_segment, output_fragment, and output_img
- Added get_asset(), get_asset_file(), and get_asset_dir()
- used 'cache' key for, well, caching data. Added flush_cache() to enable working w/ it
- Allow embedded args in output,url’s 'html' and 'plain' values
- Added numf() to list of embeddable methods
- add ­ for chr(173) in html context so its visible
- Initial Locale::Maketext::Utils::Phrase::Norm and company
- Put conceptual L::M::U::Phrase::Core in tarball–not tested, may change drastically or go away completely
- added "arbitrary attributes" to appropriate output methods:
e.g. key,value,pairs,that,add,clarity,to,phrase[,_N]
- where _N is a hashref of key/value pairs important to the caller but essentially irrelevant to the meaning
- rt 74127: Change a test to use like() to (hopefully) pass on the oddball machine and if not have more useful output
- rt 74125: POD typo
- rt 74126: removed note-to-self left in Changelog for 0.20
- rt 74603: Pass max decimal length to quant() used in format_bytes()
- rt 74604: Add max decimal length to format_bytes
- rt 74337: handle '' arg, fix datetime() POD, added current_year()
- perltidy all
0.20 Thu Jan 12 23:32:03 CST 2012
- Removed $Onesided
- add 'use_external_lex_cache' support
- finally moved datetime() to CLDR
- removed needless import of L::M
- $Encoding to alias creation
- commented out strict/warnings for production at request of sponsor
- remove use of glob(), unadvertised maketext() that provided range support, _maketext() that implemented _external_lex_cache
- support array ref in join() and list()
- deprecate list()
- support embedded args in boolean(), output_class(), output_underline(), output_strong(), output_em()
- support embedded methods in output() method calls
- improve output_chr(), output_url(), format_bytes()
- fix dep
- Update CPAN version w/ new methods (and tests and POD) that have been in production outside of CPAN for a while.
- the methods include:
- get_language_tag_name()
- get_html_dir_attr()
- get_locale_display_pattern()
- get_language_tag_character_orientation()
- text()
- comment() - rt 54102
- is_future()
- is_defined()
- output_encode_puny()
- output_decode_puny()
- output_asis_for_tests()
- output_attr()
- output_abbr()
- output_acronym()
- output_sup()
- output_sub()
- get_locales_obj(),
- makethis()
- makethis_base()
- output_nbsp()
- asis(), output_asis()
- set_context(), set_context_html(), set_context_ansi(), set_context_plain()
- context_is(), context_is_html(), context_is_ansi(), context_is_plain()
- get_context()
- maketext_html_context(), maketext_ansi_context(), maketext_plain_context()
- list_and(), list_or(), quant(), numerate(), numf() - rt 69270
0.19 Mon May 24 23:11:15 2010
- add updated Locales useage
0.18 Tue Sep 15 21:40:54 2009
- updated datetime() tests to take into account DateTime::Locale rt 49724
- update # of tie hash tests to avoid spurious failure
- added [output, chr, ...]
- added [output, class, ...]
0.17 Tue Jun 9 10:24:54 2009
- $Onesided-ness respect 'use_external_lex_cache'
- 'add_lex_hash_silent_if_already_added' boolean
0.16 Mon Jun 8 10:08:03 2009
- move all no()s outside of loops
- add support for use_external_lex_cache (see Locale::Maketext's )
- change test's BAILOUT to SKIP to avoid false failures
0.15 Wed Jun 3 16:01:29 2009
- Dropped need for Locale::Maketext::Pseudo
- removed env_ functions (use Locale::Maketext::Pseudo explicitly if you want them)
- note: exporting was broken so they were always called w/ full NS if they were used, should facilitate fast search/replace resolution of code using it.
if you used these functions you will need to:
a) make sure you $script uses Locale::Maketext::Pseudo
b) perl -pi -e 's/Locale::Maketext::Utils::env_/Locale::Maketext::Pseudo::env_/g' $script
0.14 Tue May 19 23:11:55 2009
- Makefile.PL PREREQ_PM Locales::Base 0.03 and removed
- make_alias() base to @ISA and also include aliasing %Lexicon, $VERSION, $Onesided
- fixed scoping of a test that caused issues in later tests on some systems
- added notes in POD about Locales::Language 0.03
- Address eval {} setting $! spuriously-for-our-purposes
0.13 Sat May 16 20:21:57 2009
- drop 'use version'
- 'use base' to @ISA
- POD to .pod file
- removed undocumented, experimental, and ultimately a bad idea AUTOLOAD tag behavior
- get_handle() is now an argument based singleton
- POD removed items from TODO that were done in this version (noted below)
- $Onesided will now be lookup-on-demand-lexicon safe (part of the todo 'Specific support of lexicon management w/ non-hash based lexicons')
- added bracket notation methods
output() - (part of the todo 'possibly some formatters (would need to associate an output object of some kind though...)')
- added utility methods:
add_lexicon_override_hash() - "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon only" (part of the todo 'Specific support of lexicon management w/ non-hash based lexicons')
add_lexcion_fallback_hash() - "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon only" (part of the todo 'Specific support of lexicon management w/ non-hash based lexicons')
del_lexicon_hash() - "Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon only" (part of the todo 'Specific support of lexicon management w/ non-hash based lexicons')
get_base_class_dir() - "Standard .pm layout only" (part of the todo 'Better drop in modular lexicon support/documentation')
list_available_locales() - "Standard .pm layout only" (part of the todo 'Better drop in modular lexicon support/documentation')
- POD 'Tie::Hash::ReadonlyStack compat Lexicon' (part of the todo 'Specific support of lexicon management w/ non-hash based lexicons')
- POD "Standard" .pm layout (part of the todo 'Better drop in modular lexicon support/documentation')
- added "native" name lookup hash to lang_names_hashref() in array context
- -DateTime key (and the idea of special keys.. yuck!) dropped, should be bracket method
- add example range support (hopefully will be core to avoid the mis-lookup issue) - See rt 37955
- numf w/ decimal truncation support (hopefully will be core eventually) - See rt 36136
- add datetime(), join(), list(), format_bytes(), convert()
0.0.11 Fri Jul 25 19:19:24 2008
- make tests work with variations of Locales::Base
0.0.10 Thu Jul 23 10:33:47 2008
- fix makefile entry
0.0.9 Tue Oct 16 22:47:04 2007
- make test case insensitiive in case that ever changes
- more sensible -DateTime format (why have SQL datetime when we want language!)
0.0.8 Sat Oct 13 14:13:37 2007
- Minor POD fixup
- '-DateTime' key to all %Lexicons's
0.0.7 Sun Mar 4 19:50:57 2007
- added env_* functions
- changed get() and say() '||' logic to ternaries
- added $ENV{'maketext_obj'} support
0.0.6 Wed Nov 8 23:08:18 2006
- Added say(), get(), and AUTOLOAD(). Made $Onesided hashes retain the value of keys whose value is not ''
0.0.5 Wed Sep 14 11:33:57 2006
- re bundled without Mac's ._ files in the tarball
0.0.4 Fri Jul 28 18:44:12 2006
- added $Onesided
- added make_alias
0.0.3 Fri Jul 7 16:04:40 2006
- Fixed up POD
- added [loadable_]lang_names_hashref()
0.0.2 Wed Jul 5 22:29:50 2006
- added $Encoding support
0.0.1 Tue Jul 4 18:14:34 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AXc -n Locale::Maketext::Utils