Revision history for Test-Mock-Cmd

0.6  Fri May 3 10:42:53 2013
    - rt 84976: Add .t example
    - rt 84975: (Thanks for the idea SCHWERN!) add selective-mocking-factory-hash support

0.5  Thu Dec 15 16:05:42 2011
    Update pod testing to not call plan twice (i.e. when the optional module is not available)

0.4  Thu Dec 15 14:13:50 2011
    update copyright/license per employer
0.3  Sun Dec 11 15:43:32 2011
    add named function support to import() w/ PDO and tests
0.2  Tue Dec  6 04:37:24 2011
    rt 73042 v0.2 TODOs

0.1  Thu Dec  1 17:37:07 2011
       Initial release.