Revision history for Text-Extract-MaketextCallPhrases
0.93 2014-11-17 19:15:31
- Allow for C::E subclasses
- Add support for optional matches
- bump req ver of M::W to latest
- Add support for getting matches in arguments besides the first
- Add Cpanel::Exception.* ::create(NS,OPTIONAL-PHRASE) token
- Add Cpanel::Exception.* ->create(OPTIONAL-PHRASE) token
- Add dot notation support to translatable() token (thanks tomgreen98)
- only compile while() loop regex once
- Add word boundary support to translatable()
0.92 2013-10-22 12:09:33
- add more RELEASE_TESTING tests
- add Cpanel::Exception->new top cpanel_mode parser
0.91 2013-03-21 07:40:45
- account for tokens w/ trailing WS
- add support for EOL '## no extract maketext' notation
0.9 2012-11-26 13:38:52
- remove loop bottleneck in cpanel mode
0.8 2012-11-21 21:53:37
- address uninit warnings
0.7 2012 11-21 20:12:42
- rt 81205 - POD typo
- rt 81206 - Added quote_before, quote_after
0.6 2012-11-08 14:14:39
- add offset_seen internal check
- add RELEASE_TESTING check above eval in perlcritic test
0.5 2012-11-07 20:56:10
- rt 80661: POD
- add 'original_text' key to result hash
- add 'cpanel_mode' to hashref of args
0.4 2012-11-05 23:06:35
- rt 80488: bump version in POD
- rt 80642: POD: type' os 'no_arg' =~ s/os/of/
- rt 80641: POD: 'no_' should be 'no_default_regex'
- rt 80643: needs to require bytes when it uses bytes::length
- rt 80653: if double quoted context interpolate \n and friends (not \x)
- rt 80648 add file key to result hash
- treat mt("$var") et. al. like a perlish type
- added 'heredoc' key to result hash
0.3 2012-20-28 17:48:23
- rt 76699 Add “=encoding utf-8” to top of POD
- rt 76700: Add test for “foo(<<HEAR_DOC, @args);” style heredocs
- rt 77538: add helper methods to default regex
- move Critic and POD tests to RELEASE_TESTING mode
0.2 2011-08-31 17:51:04
- rt 70652 items
0.1 2011-01-05W 21:18:02
Initial release.