Revision history for Unix-PID-Tiny

0.92 Thu Apr 18 15:02:03 2019
    - thanks to xantronix for both all of these features (and some nice fixups to the tests):
        - add support for persistent PID files; allow traversing /proc/$pid/fd
          to ensure a process indicated by a PID file still holds an open file
          descriptor for that PID file
        - add support for checking a PID file's minimum mtime value when testing
          if the PID file indicates a running PID

0.91 Tue Jul 23 22:46:46 2013
    - rt 86817 - minor fixes
    - rt 86640 - Add pidfile functions from non-tiny version
        - support named hash for more intuitive retry-conf
    - add/improve tests

0.9  Mon Apr  4 16:01:10  2011
    - option to wait  between kill and re-check
0.8  Fri Dec 24 18:41:32 2010
     - Apply Unix::PID v0.22 rt 57634: is_pid_running() use /proc if available , thanks GWADEJ!

0.7  Fri Dec 24 11:04:36 2010
     Fix up synopsis POD

0.6  Tue May 11 07:45:50 2010
     Add minimum_pid support
     move ps_path checking to new()
     have is_pid_running use kill 0 instead of ps when we are root
     Removed Build.PL items from README
     Qualify kill() calls to CORE::kill() when appropriate
0.5  Fri Apr 11 10:59:55 2008
     fixed 0.4 reverse logic on kill() return
0.4  Thu Apr 10 18:09:35 2008
     make kill() more portable

0.3  Tue Apr  1 09:12:33 2008
     rt 34586: remove Build.PL
     rt 34586: remove use warnings from Makefile.PL
     rt 34586: go ahead an re-add use strict
0.2  Mon Mar 31 10:45:54 2008
       removed vars, strict, and warnings to lower memory even more
0.1  Mon Mar 31 07:44:07 2008
       Initial release.