Revision history for Perl module utf8-all
0.006 2012-07-29
* Be less strict with detecting fatal UTF-8 error in test suite [GH #12]
0.005 2012-07-29
* Use Import::Into instead of home-grown "solution" [GH #10]
* Don't permit running with autodie < 2.12, due to RT #54777 [GH #7]
* Promote utf8 warnings to fatal errors [GH #1]
0.004 2012-01-04
* Fix test suite for less current versions of Perl [getty, doherty]
0.003 2011-12-21
* Internal refactoring
* Load charnames [sartak]
0.002 2011-04-21
* Expand test suite slightly
0.001 2011-04-20
* Split code out of perl5i