Revision history for POE-Component-Schedule

0.94    2010-03-13T16:37+01:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Only minor POD changes in since 0.93_02.
        Increased dependencies versions.
        Small tweak to the 'Changes' file format to make it more parseable
          and generate 'Changes.yml' and 'Changes.rss'.
	Added 'Changes.rss' and 'Changes.yml', generated from 'Changes'
          using either '' or '' (see
          SVN repo).
        Test coverage: 92.1%.

0.93_02 2010-02-13T16:30+01:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        More test coverage, but still only 92.1%. Help still welcome for
        Improved argument check for ->add() (and now, with tests too).
        POE >= 1.281 is recommended as it fixes the _child(lose) issue.
	Updated POD: removed obsolete warnings, updated copyright.
	Updated README: should be more helpful for distribution packagers.

0.93_01 2010-02-13T01:55+01:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Applied fix for RT#53925 (Patch by Zeph Gillen).
        Added t/50-subclass.t to try to catch subclassing problems which may
          affect POE::Component::Cron. Unfortunately it does not catch
          RT#53925. Help needed.
        Added strictures in tests.
        Updated MANIFEST.SKIP to match new Module::Build: ignore MYMETA.yml.

0.92    2009-11-20T19:17+01:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Official Release. Have to review doc before 1.00.
        Fixed my local to have correct encoding of META.yml.

0.91_01 2009-11-19T20:55+01:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Major internal rewrite. No external changes. I love TDD!
        Now the scheduling session is detached from the session from
          which the session was spawned. This should help to avoid session
          attachment/references problems as the scheduler is not anymore
          attached to a particular session. Note that due to a POE bug,
          _child(lose) is still fired.
        Fixed typos in example code. kthakore++
        TODO: add a test that extracts test code from the
              SYNOPSIS POD section and runs it. Maybe using

0.03    2009-06-16T19:10+02:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Major improvement of POD. Fixed sample code.
        Improved test suite to check session reference counting.
        Added DESTROY handler for schedule handles to automatically
          delete handles which are not anymore referenced.
        Deprecated ->delete().

0.02    2009-06-15T23:09+02:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        Changed the default session alias to $class.
        Fixed warning in about new() not being used.
        Improved test suite to increase code coverage (added 11-two.t).
        Improved documentation for spawn().
        Thanks to Rob Fugina for discussion.

0.01    2009-06-05T19:56+02:00    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
        First release to the world, with Chris Fedde's blessing.
        See RT#44442