Revision history for System-Sub.

0.142280     2014-08-16    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
	Add option '&?' to handle exit code != 0.
	Add common options (an ARRAY as first import arg) that will apply
          to all the commands on the import list.
	Doc: add link to (Thanks Slaven Rezic, RT#84739).

0.130210     2013-01-21    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
	Add option '()' to define the prototype of the sub.

0.130180     2013-01-18    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
	Define the DEBUG compile symbol with ''. This fixes
	  Pod::Coverage tests.
	Minor fixes from BOOK (Philippe Bruhat).

0.123440     2012-12-09    DOLMEN (Olivier Mengué)
	Initial release, at the Quack and Hack 2012 Europe hackathon.