Apache-CGI-Builder Latest Versions Changes

Version 1.22
- Changed Makefile.PL version check
- Added $ENV{MOD_PERL} check in CB_INIT phase
- Some POD adjustments

Version 1.21 (not published)
- Deep rewriting of the code and the documentation
- Important internal changes to better support A::C::B object
  as the Perl(Response)Handler
- Added Selfloading Perl*Handler feature
Version 1.2
- Deprecated the way to include this module in your CBB: you should *use*
  it instead of CGI::Builder and don't include it as a normal extension.
  The old way is still working but in some next release the new way might
  become mandatory
- Added a compile time warning for deprecated usage
- Changed the prerequisite C::B version to 1.2
- Eliminated override of 'page_content_check' method not needed anymore
  with C::B 1.2
- Some POD adjustments

Version 1.1
- Advanced method 'page_content_check' overridden with automatic set of 404
  status header unless status is already defined

Version 1.0
- First public release