CGI-Builder Latest Versions Changes

Version 1.11
- This version contains the real 1.1 files: the 1.1 distribution
  file was a wrong outdated file. Sorry for the mismatch.
Version 1.1
- Reversed the overrun execution order for OH_fixup and OH_cleanup
- Added advanced method 'page_content_check' with automatic handling
  of 'unknown' page_name(s) (204 status header)
- Fixed OH_* handlers execution problem under mod_perl
- Eliminated the definition/dependance of any INIT blocks
- Eliminated content check in send_content method
- Lot of code optimization (now the C::B source is just 200 lines)
- Added the perl version check to the Makefile.PL
- Updated OOTools 1.62 as prerequisite
- Updated POD with the new feature/fixing
- Added several tests

Version 1.01
- Fixed POD errors in the Examples sections
- Fixed POD errors in the page_content and page_prefix properties sections
- Fixed a weird PH_AUTOLOAD bug (probably related with the use of
- Eliminated dependance from in CGI::Builder::Const
Version 1.0
- First public release