CGI-Builder-DFVCheck Latest Versions Changes

Version 1.27
- Removed the internal use of lvalue assigments incompatible with
  the perl-bug #17663 (Perl 5 Debugger doesn't handle properly lvalue
  sub assignment)

Version 1.26
- Maintainance release. A few minor changes

Version 1.25
- Data::FormValidator loading moved to run-time
- Added EFFICIENCY POD section
- A few minor changes in the Makefile.PL and the POD

Version 1.24
- Added filter support (the dfv_resuts is always set after a dfv_check)
- Added dfv_resuts and memory leaking test

Version 1.23
- Eliminated version check and installation feedback system
  ("phone home" opt-out) from Makefile.PL to make Randal L Schwartz happy :-)
  and sad the author :-(

Version 1.22
- Minor POD changes

Version 1.21
- Changed Makefile.PL version check
- Minor POD changes

Version 1.2
- Fixed some POD errors
- More detailed examples
- The version has been updated to the current C::B (1.2)

Version 1.0
- First public release