CGI-Builder-Magic Latest Versions Changes
Version 1.24
- Minor POD changes
Version 1.23
- Changed Makefile.PL version check
- Updated to support Template::Magic 1.2 features
- Minor POD changes
Version 1.22
- Added 'FillInForm' special label
- Some improvements in the Lookups POD section
- Added the EFFICIENCY POD section
- Added some tests
- Changed the prerequisite Template::Magic version to 1.12
Version 1.21
- Fixed page_error persistency problem
- Added some tests
Version 1.2
- The tm and tm_new_args and tm_lookups_package accessors are now
referring to class variables (before they were instance variables),
this improves performances under mod_perl
- Under mod_perl the tm object does not get destroyed anymore,
but it is used for all processes thus saving some processing time
- Eliminated the OH_cleanup handler, now useless
- Improved lookup system for special integrations
- Improved tm value_handlers
- Improved POD with more details and orgaization
- Changed the prerequisite C::B version to 1.2
- Some internal changes to be more consistent with new 1.2 version
- Fixed perl_side_include example with new Apache::CGI::Builder interface
Version 1.13
- Internal changes for lookups to allow more flexible usage (the automatic
lookups are added to the constructor instead of the temporary lookups)
- Internal changes to allow more efficient object destroying
(if used with Template::Magic >= 1.1)
- Added OH_cleanup handler to allow automatic tm object destroy
in CLEANUP phase
Version 1.12
- Simplified interface for lookups
- Added automagic integration with CGI::Builder::Session
- Added POD Advanced features section to simplify
the reading of the doc
- Added POD Special Integrations section
Version 1.11
- This version contains the real 1.1 files: the 1.1 distribution
file was a wrong outdated file. Sorry for the mismatch.
Version 1.1
- Advanced method 'page_content_check' overridden with automatic set of 204
or 404 status header when the template is not found (unless status is
already defined)
- Added a test for 204 status
- Fixed a bug that caused the output to be collected before sending: now
the output is printed while it is produced
- Some code optimization
Version 1.0
- First public release