Template-Magic Latest Versions Changes

Version 1.25
- Added ignore_fields option for FillInForm handler plus relative test
- Changed the prerequisite IO::Util to version 1.25 (fixes the -T bug)

Version 1.24
- Eliminated version check and installation feedback system
  ("phone home" opt-out) from Makefile.PL to make Randal L Schwartz happy :-)
  and sad the author :-(

Version 1.23
- Fixed a REF handler bug
- Fixed a INCLUDE_TEMPLATE warning bug

Version 1.22
- Minor POD changes

Verson 1.21
- Changed Makefile.PL version check

Version 1.2
- Improved lookups for blessed objects (inheritance)
- Added OBJECT handler and related documentation
- Added $no_template_magic_zone class flag check to avoid passing the zone
  object to object methods
- Added the NOT_* automatic block handling and related documentation
  in the "HOW TO..." section
- Restored the CREDITS section in the POD (deleted by a wrong cut and paste)
- Some POD adjustments
Version 1.12
- Added explicit 'Temporary Lookups' POD section
- Changed the prerequisite IO::Util to version 1.21
- Fixed FillInForm value handler (now the labels inside the form block
  work as expected)

Version 1.11
- Changed the prerequisite IO::Util to version 1.2
- Internal changes to extend the use of IO::Util
- A few POD fixes

Version 1.1
- Substancial changes in the internal structure to allow more efficient
  object caching and destroying.
- The chache does not contain any object self reference anymore and the object
  get destroyed always when it goes out of scope, instead in global
  destruction phase (i.e. when the script exits)
- Added the perl version check to the Makefile.PL

Version 1.06
- New mailing list available at this url:
- Use of IO::Util
- Fixed File::Spec prerequisite in Makefile.PM and Bundle
- Added a couple of notes in the POD about escaping markers and magic lookups
- Fixed POD errors in the Template::Magic::Zone

Version 1.05
- Fixed test bug

Version 1.04
- Fixed typo in TableTiler handler

Version 1.03
- Fixed bug that happened when you use the same
  object to output() a template and then print() another template
- Internal changes for output() method
- Fixed 'TableTiler' handler bug

Version 1.02
- Makefile changes
- POD fixes and updates

Version 1.01
- Makefile changes

Version 1.0
- Transcription of old MagicTemplate namespace