Revision history for App::TimeTracker

2.012   2011-11-01T19:29:55+0100
    - doc fix suggested by David Mertens (Thomas Klausner)
    - some tests for C::Core (init, start, stop, append) (c:61.1%;sc:83.9%) (Thomas Klausner)
    - fixed CPAN-RT#72039 reported by Kartik Thakore (Thomas Klausner)
    - cpanm install docs (Thomas Klausner)

2.011   2011-10-28T16:36:21+0200
    - autocreate tracker.json and projects.json if there is no
      home yet (Thomas Klausner)
    - rearranged docs (Thomas Klausner

2.010   2011-10-28T00:28:54+0200
    - new plugin: Overtime (Thomas Klausner)
    - pass new fproject ftag to find_task_files (Thomas Klausner)
    - changed report params to --fprojects and --ftags (_f_ilter*)
      (Thomas Klausner)
    - SyncViaGit: honor .gitignore (Thomas Klausner)
    - specify "parent" in tracker.json to switch to another path
      (Thomas Klausner)
    - Fix --this date option (Maros Kollar)
    - Display error message if projects.json cannot be found (Maros Kollar)
    - fix build_from (Klaus Ita)
    - Add list command (Maros Kollar)
    - do not report tasks without time (Thomas Klausner)
    - Make project setable from cmdline options (Maros Kollar)
    - show project tree in report (Thomas Klausner)
    - fixed bug in writing projects.json (Thomas Klausner)

2.009	2011-08-11T15:17:36+0200
    - more docs
    - new command: plugins
    - fixed MANIFEST.SKIP (thanks to Tokuhiro Matsuno for the tipp)

2.008  2011-08-09T15:30:53+0200
    - this is going to be the first release to CPAN since 0.21
    - relaxed decoding of json config files
    - started to add docs 
    - back to per-dir config files, much saner
    - new commands: show_config, init
    - Better datetime parsing

2.007  2011-07-07T15:00:02+0200
    - another new config file layout, which sucks less

2.006  2011-07-05T02:24:36+0200
    - new config file layout, which sucks
    - TextNotify
    - big RT/TimeWorked mixup created & resolved
    - some testing

2.005   2011-04-13 08:55:32
    - update RT->TimeWorked after stop
    - added --irc_quiet
    - added _current_task
    - added command recacl_trackfile
    - split up worked/report options
    - added --verbose to report

2.004   2011-03-29 11:49:49
    - replaced Project/Tag classes with plain strings
    - fixed bug when duration is 0

2.003   2011-03-20 18:07:16
    - crude job hack
    - added --this & --last to report & worked

2.002   2011-03-14 09:16:00
    - added Post2IRC


0.21   2009-02-17 20:50:30
    - remove debug output
    - fix 00-load.t (thanks to cpan-testers for spotting this)

0.20    2009-02-12
    - switched to new storage system (filesystem base, not sqlite, to 
      make syncing via git easier

0.08	2008-04-04
    - added cmd "report"
    - added --this and --last to "worked"
    - "worked" now works with tags
    - added --from and --to to "worked"
    - added --svn to "stop"
    - added some docs
    - added missing dependency on DateTime::Format::Strptime

0.07    2008-01-23
    - added docs
    - fixed bad default filepath

0.06    2008-01-22
    - renamed to App::TimeTracker
    - first release to CPAN

0.05    2008-01-21
    - switched to SQLite for storage
    - added DBIx::Class
    - rewrote a lot of stuff to work with DBIx::Class

0.04    2008-01-18
    - added docs
    - added command 'worked'
    - added command 'current'
    - now using App::Cmd

0.03    2008-01-07
    - override start/stop time from commandline

0.02    2008-01-04
    - ask before adding a new project (to catch typos etc)
    - added beautify_seconds and some nicer output to stop/start

0.01    2008-01-03
    - basic functionality working (start/stop)

0.00    2008-01-02
    - first draft