Revision history for DBIx-SchemaChecksum
0.08 Thu Aug 21 09:48:23 CEST 2008
- Make checksum, type schema unaware. This funnily posed problems when
connecting via socket or TCP to pg
0.07 2008-06-19 09:41:26
- for strange reasons, MooseX::Getop does not work with DBI::db constraint
when used from other scripts
So I dumped the DBI::db constraint for now
0.06 2008-06-16 10:46:19
- Test Coverage: 78.8%
- removed IO::Prompt
- Alternative construction via dbh (either dsn or dbh) (maros)
- fixed some problems with tests on various platforms
0.05 2008-05-24 10:17:02
- Test Coverage: 82.4%
- make t/apply_sql_snippets.t skip instead of fail if we cannot
copy the testdb
0.04 2008-05-23 22:40:26
- Test Coverage: 81.7%
- added dependecy on IO::Prompt (which I forgot in 0.02, but
thanks to CPAN testers I was notified of this problem)
- added test
- added bin/ and supporting methods
- require Perl 5.10
0.03 2008-05-23 ??:??:??
- added bin/ and supporting methods
- require Perl 5.10
0.02 2008-05-21 22:13:53
- added bin/
- added docs
- DB connection now takes user and password as optional params
0.01 2008-05-20 16:10:17
- basic checksum calculation works
- started development