Revision history for Perl module Module::CPANTS:

0.20030913 Sat Sep 13 21:28:23 CET 2003
	- more recent data
	- use
	- the module is now being maintained by Thomas Klausner

0.20030725 Sun Jul 27 18:34:46 BST 2003
	- more recent data
        - bug fixes for win32 POD
	- report POD errors
	- use Pod::Simple::TextContent to properly parse POD and
	  get an accurate count of the lines - this means that pod
	  commands now count as code lines

Sun Jul 20 15:09:57 BST 2003
	- more recent data
	- now include number of tests (only partial)
	- now include modules "used" (thanks to Thomas Klausner)

Sat Jun 28 10:52:39 BST 2003
	- took CPANPLUS out of the prerequisites - it's useful, but
	  not necessary
	- fixed typo in POD, noticed by Simon Cozens
	- now include packed and unpacked distribution size 
	- now include the total number of releases of that distribution
	- more recent testers data
	- more recent data
	- dedicated to Jos and Elaine

0.20030525 Sun May 25 15:47:56 BST 2003
	- more recent data

0.20030426 Sun Apr 27 10:43:07 BST 2003
	- more recent data
	- now include lines of comments, thanks to Casey West

0.20030421 Wed Apr 23 21:10:11 BST 2003
	- more recent data
	- now includes lines of pod / non-pod, thanks to Richard Clamp

0.005 Sun Apr 13 15:59:42 BST 2003
	- more recent data
	- now includes CPAN testers data (the number of PASSes
	  and FAILs)

0.004 Wed Apr  2 22:02:59 BST 2003
	- more recent data
	- now include description even for distributions not in
	  the modules list

0.003 Sat Mar 29 16:30:26 GMT 2003
	- split into Module::CPANTS and Module::CPANTS::Generator
	- added interesting files

0.002 Tue Mar 25 21:16:54 GMT 2003
	- patches by Richard Clamp to make Makefile.PL
	  work better and also examples/
	- reworking of data structures, see Module::CPANTS
	- added author and description fields

0.001 Mon Mar 24 22:25:12 GMT 2003
	- released initial version