package Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile abs2rel);
use File::stat;

sub order { 10 }

# Analyse

# global values needed for File::Find
our @files=();
our @dirs=();
our $size=0;

sub analyse {
    my $class=shift;
    my $me=shift;
    my $distdir=$me->distdir;
    # use File::Find to get unpacked size & filelist
    @files=(); @dirs=(); $size=0;

    # munge filelist
    @files=map {abs2rel($_,$distdir)} @files;
    @dirs=map {abs2rel($_,$distdir)} @dirs;


    # find symlinks / bad_permissions
    my (@symlinks,@bad_permissions);
    foreach my $f (@dirs,@files) {
        my $p=catfile($distdir,$f);
        if (-l $f) {
        unless (-r _ && -w _) {

    # store stuff
    $me->d->{files}=scalar @files;
    $me->d->{bad_permissions}=scalar @bad_permissions;
    $me->d->{dirs}=scalar @dirs;
    $me->d->{symlinks}=scalar @symlinks;

    # find special files
    my %reqfiles;
    my @special_files=(qw(Makefile.PL Build.PL README META.yml SIGNATURE MANIFEST NINJA;
    foreach my $file (@special_files){
        (my $db_file=$file)=~s/\./_/g;
        $me->d->{$db_file}=((grep {$_ eq "$file"} @files)?1:0);

    # find more complex files
    my %regexs=(
    while (my ($name,$regex)=each %regexs) {
        $me->d->{$name}=join(',',grep {$_=~/$regex/} @files);
    # find special dirs
    my @special_dirs=(qw(lib t));
    foreach my $dir (@special_dirs){
        my $db_dir="dir_".$dir;
        $me->d->{$db_dir}=((grep {$_ eq "$dir"} @dirs)?1:0);
    # get mtime
    my $mtime=0;
    foreach (@files) {
        next if /\//;
        my $to_stat=catfile($distdir,$_);
        next unless -e $to_stat; # TODO hmm, warum ist das kein File?
        my $stat=stat($to_stat);
        my $thismtime=$stat->mtime;
        $mtime=$thismtime if $mtime<$thismtime;
    $me->d->{released}=scalar localtime($mtime);

# get_files
sub get_files {
    return if /^\.+$/;
    if (-d $_) {
        push (@dirs,$File::Find::name);
    } elsif (-f $_) {
        push (@files,$File::Find::name);
        $size+=-s _ || 0;

# Kwalitee Indicators

sub kwalitee_indicators {
  return [
        error=>q{This package uses an unknown packaging format. CPANTS can handle tar.gz, tgz and zip archives. No kwalitee metrics have been calculated.},
        remedy=>q{Pack the distribution with tar & gzip or zip.},
        code=>sub { shift->{extractable} ? 1 : -100 },
        error=>q{This package doesn't create a directory and extracts its content into this directory. Instead, it spews its content into the current directory, making it really hard/annoying to remove the unpacked package.},
        remedy=>q{Issue the command to pack the distribution in the directory above it. Or use a buildtool ('make dist' or 'Build dist')},
        code=>sub { shift->{extracts_nicely} ? 1 : 0},
        error=>q{The file 'README' is missing from this distribution. The README provide some basic information to users prior to downloading and unpacking the distribution.},
        remedy=>q{Add a README to the distribution. It should contain a quick description of your module and how to install it.},
        code=>sub { shift->{file_readme} ? 1 : 0 },
        error=>q{The file 'MANIFEST' is missing from this distribution. The MANIFEST lists all files included in the distribution.},
        remedy=>q{Add a MANIFEST to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it (eg 'make manifest' or './Build manifest')},
        code=>sub { shift->{file_manifest} ? 1 : 0 },
        error=>q{The file 'META.yml' is missing from this distribution. META.yml is needed by people maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing installation tools, or just people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before downloading it.},
        remedy=>q{Add a META.yml to the distribution. Your buildtool should be able to autogenerate it.},
        code=>sub { shift->{file_meta_yml} ? 1 : 0 },
        error=>q{Makefile.PL and/or Build.PL are missing. This makes installing this distribution hard for humans and impossible for automated tools like CPAN/CPANPLUS},
        remedy=>q{Use a buildtool like Module::Build (recomended) or ExtUtils::MakeMaker to manage your distribution},
        code=>sub {
            my $d=shift;
            return 1 if $d->{file_makefile_pl} || $d->{file_build_pl};
            return 0;
        error=>q{The distribution hasn't got a Changelog (named something like m/^chang(es?|log)|history$/i. A Changelog helps people decide if they want to upgrade to a new version.},
        remedy=>q{Add a Changelog (best named 'Changes') to the distribution. It should list at least major changes implemented in newer versions.},
        code=>sub { shift->{file_changelog} ? 1 : 0 },
        error=>q{This distribution includes symbolic links (symlinks). This is bad, because there are operating systems that do not handle symlinks.},
        remedy=>q{Remove the symlinkes from the distribution.},
        code=>sub {shift->{symlinks} ? 0 : 1},
        error=>q{This distribution doesn't contain either a file called '' or a directory called 't'. This indicates that it doesn't contain even the most basic test-suite. This is really BAD!},
        remedy=>q{Add tests!},
        code=>sub {
            my $d=shift;
            return 1 if $d->{file_test_pl} || $d->{dir_t};
            return 0;

# this might not be a good metric - at least according to feedback
#    {
#     name=>'permissions_ok',
#     type=>'basic',
#     error=>q{This distribution includes files with bad permissions (i.e that are not read- and writable by the user). This makes removing the extracted distribution hard.},
#     code=>sub { shift->{bad_permissions} ? 0 : 1 },
#    },

q{Favourite record of the moment:
  Fat Freddys Drop: Based on a true story};



=head1 NAME

Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files - Check for various files


Find various files and directories that should be part of every self-respecting distribution.


=head2 Methods

=head3 order

Defines the order in which Kwalitee tests should be run.

Returns C<10>, as data generated by C<MCK::Files> is used by all other tests.

=head3 analyse

C<MCK::Files> uses C<File::Find> to get a list of all files and dirs in a dist. It checks if certain crucial files are there, and does some other file-specific stuff.

=head3 get_files

The subroutine used by C<File::Find>. Unfortunantly, it depends on some global values.

=head3 kwalitee_indicators

Returns the Kwalitee Indicators datastructure.


=item * extractable

=item * extracts_nicely

=item * has_readme

=item * has_manifest

=item * has_meta_yml

=item * has_buildtool

=item * has_changelog 

=item * no_symlinks

=item * has_tests


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Klausner, <>,


You may use and distribute this module according to the same terms
that Perl is distributed under.
