package Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Prereq; use warnings; use strict; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); sub order { 100 } ################################################################## # Analyse ################################################################## sub analyse { my $class=shift; my $me=shift; my $files=$me->d->{files_array}; my $distdir=$me->distdir; my $prereq; my $yaml=$me->read_meta_yml; if ($yaml) { if ($yaml->{requires}) { $prereq=$yaml->{requires}; } } elsif (grep {/^Build\.PL$/} @$files) { open(my $in, '<', catfile($distdir,'Build.PL')) || return 1; my $m=join '', <$in>; close $in; my($requires) = $m =~ /requires.*?=>.*?\{(.*?)\}/s; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval) eval "{ no strict; \$prereq = { $requires \n} }"; } else { open(my $in, '<', catfile($distdir,'Makefile.PL')) || return 1; my $m=join '', <$in>; close $in; my($requires) = $m =~ /PREREQ_PM.*?=>.*?\{(.*?)\}/s; $requires||=''; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval) eval "{ no strict; \$prereq = { $requires \n} }"; } return unless $prereq; if (!ref $prereq) { my $p={$prereq=>0}; $prereq=$p; } # sanitize version my @clean; while (my($requires,$version)=each%$prereq) { $version||=0; $version=0 unless $version=~/[\d\._]+/; push(@clean,{ requires=>$requires, version=>$version, }); } $me->d->{prereq}=\@clean; return; } ################################################################## # Kwalitee Indicators ################################################################## sub kwalitee_indicators{ return [ { name=>'is_prereq', error=>q{This distribution is not required by another distribution by another author.}, remedy=>q{Convince / force / bribe another CPAN author to use this distribution.}, code=>sub { return 0; }, is_extra=>1, }, ]; } q{Favourite record of the moment: Fat Freddys Drop: Based on a true story}; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Prereq - Checks listed prerequistes =head1 SYNOPSIS Checks which other dists a dist declares as requirements. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Methods =head3 order Defines the order in which Kwalitee tests should be run. Returns C<100>. =head3 analyse C<MCK::Prereq> checks C<META.yml>, C<Build.PL> or C<Makefile.PL> for prereq-listings. =head3 kwalitee_indicators Returns the Kwalitee Indicators datastructure. =over =item * is_prereq (currently deactived) =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Module::CPANTS::Analyse> =head1 AUTHOR Thomas Klausner, <>, =head1 COPYRIGHT You may use and distribute this module according to the same terms that Perl is distributed under. =cut