# Changes for Module::CPANTS::Analyse
# $Rev: 4507 $
# $Date: 2006-11-04T17:24:33.456399Z $
0.69 2006-11-04
- splited up metayml_conforms_spec to metayml_conforms_spec_1_0
and metayml_conforms_spec_1_2 (which is optional)
- added metayml_error and docu pointers to it.
0.68 2006-10-28
- fixed bug in MCK::FindModules reported by JDHEDDEN in RT #22081
(the module name of modules living in the top-level namespace (eg
'threads/pm') was not guessed correctly
- use META.yml 'provides' (if it exists) instead of guessing module names in
- modifed changelog-regex in MCK::Files as suggested by CDOLAN in
RT #21999
- added MCK::License
- moved license checking to MCK::License
- added checks for LICENSE file and LICENSE POD section
- moved meta_yml parsing to MCK::MetaYML
- changed has_license error text after Schwern (and Andreas Koenig) suggested
that MakeMaker now suppor ts a license field
0.67 2006-09-13
- cpants_lint.pl now handles reporting of optional metrics
- added t/99_critic.t (Gabor Szabo)
- some code cleanups as reported by Test::Perl::Critic
(Gabor Szabo)
- new metric: has_license; MCK::MetaYML (Gabor Szabo)
- MCK::Pod now reports the error messages returned by
Pod::Simple::Checker (suggested by Gabor Szabo)
0.66 2006-09-06
- added optional_indicator_names utility method
0.65 2006-09-05 (YAPC::Europe hackathon release)
- updated test suite
- added has_example to MCK::Files
- added buildtool_not_executable to MCK::Files
- added MCK::Manifest (manifest_matches_dist)
0.64 2006-08-29
- updated MCK::BrokenInstaller
submitted by Steffen Müller smueller@cpan.org
0.63 2006-07-31
- we now also find README.txt
resolves RT #20633 reported by MBARBON (thanks for the patch!)
0.62 2006-07-20
- added MCK::BrokenInstaller,
submitted by Steffen Müller smueller@cpan.org
0.61 2006-07-17
- Kwalitee metrics can now be marked as 'is_extra'
Such metrics do not count for available kwalitee
- marked is_prereq as 'is_extra'
- cpants_lint now reports percentages additional to absolut
- cpants_lint won't list failed is_extra metrics
- added some method caching to M:C:Kwalitee
- added total_kwalitee to M:C:Kwalitee.
0.60 2006-05-18
- activated is_prereq metric
- added helper method (available_kwalitee)
- MCK::FindModules: skip stuff in inc (Module::Install)
0.52 2006-03-12
- added some dependencies to Build.PL/META.yml (thanks to Achim Grolms
and BLBLACK (RT #17977))
- enhanced output of cpants_lint.pl (list failed tests)
- MCK::FindModules: die if we cannot find a namespace
- MCK::FindModules: remove stuff that doesn't seems to be namespace (eg lowercase) from module names
- changed the name of some fields to work with the (upcoming) DB
- added some tests
0.51 2006-02-16
- adapted Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Prereq to work with newer versions
of YAML (reported by Andreas Koenig as RT #17670)
0.50 2006-01-26
- first release to CPAN
- started rewrite