# Changes for Module::CPANTS::Generator
# $Rev: 121 $
# $Date: 2005-03-02 15:24:20 +0100 (Wed, 02 Mar 2005) $
* changed back to selfwritten Makefile.PL parser
* simplified prereq calculation
* made yaml2sqlite for uses(_in_tests) easier/clearer
* type on Prereq.pm
* resolved has_pod_coverage_test bug
* corrected a problem with cpants_errors
* make_site radically enhanced
* stuff
* change make_site.pl wuite a lot
* removed some debug messages
* resolved bug caused by CPANPLUS::Module::Author changing it's interface
* sorted stuff, so output is clearer
* a lot
* removed ProgressBar
* minor code reshuffling
* fetch_cpan.pl now uses a combination of CPAN::Mini and Parse::CPAN::Packages
resulting in a 10-times speed improvement
- added cpants/run and cpants/run_force to enable cronjob testing
- removed use_warnings metric as suggested by Nicholas Clark and brian d foy
- rewrote generation of %packges in MCG::CPAN because it used to break
on some systems according to tester reports
- a dist might have more namespaces (and thus 'use strict's than
module files. use_strict was broken because of this.
Thanks to brian d foy for spotting this problem.
* released as Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.24
- tweaked scripts in cpants/ to run better
- added Generator/Uses.pm
- added Generator/FindModules.pm
- removed some bugs
- modified DB schema a bit
- added cpants/print_kwalitee_indicators.pl
- added cpants/print_db_schema.pl
- changed db generation
* released as Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.23
- changed version number (at YAPC::Europe::2004)
- changed db schema (at YAPC::Europe::2004)
and a lot of stuff because of the different schema
** released as Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.22
- Prereq now actually stores is_required in db
- added required_by metadata to distribution
- Prereq: use $metric->{modules} instead of distname
- added no_bar to more scripts
- New Generator: MCG::FindModules:
generate list of included modules by looking at *.pm in filelist
- MC::Generator: load_generators uses new config value 'generators'
- added 'no_bar' and 'print_distname' as config values, but not implemented
in all scripts
** released as Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.21
- moved generation of authors statistic from yaml2sqlite
into script make_authors.pl
- added average_kwalitee and distcount to authors table
- added progress bars (courtesy of Term::ProgressBar)
** released as Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.20
- added (very basic) docs
- improved tests (ha!)
- polished up MANIFEST, Build.PL etc
- use Module::MakefilePL::Parse (by Robert Rothenberg) in
MCG::Prereq to parse Makefile.PL
- lists in YAML metric files are now proper YAML lists instead
of a string with comma-seperated values. Thanks to nkuitse
for the suggestion:
- added MCG::CPAN to collect infos available via CPANPLUS
backend (eg author)
- modified Generator.pm a bit for better handling of
CPANPLUS backends
- rename old SQLite DB to cpants_YYYY-MM-DD.db
- $metric: generated with CPANTS-version
- $metric: generated at DateTime
- updated Changes and TODO
- again, rewritten a lot!
- this will be version 0.20
0.011 2003-12-08
- removed a bug in M:C:G:Files that caused all dists
to get a 'has_symlinks' flaw
- added new reporter: Module::CPANTS::Reporter::STDOUT
that prints short info about each dist to SDTDOUT
- added get_create_flaw_table to M:C:R:DB
- added flaw-reporting to M:C:R:DB. One can now query a table
called 'flaws' for flaw-information per distribtion
0.010 2003-12-06
- first release after rewrite
- to much changes to list here, please RTFM
0.006 Sat Sep 6 10:13:31 BST 2003
- get better match for the main module in a distribution for
the description getting, spotted by Pierre Denis
- new metrics: uses info
- bug fixes for win32 POD
- more caching
- report POD errors
- use Pod::Simple::TextContent to properly parse POD and
get an accurate count of the lines
- download the testers database from testers.cpan.org instead
of doing it ourselves. unfortunately this means that we lose
the number of tests as promised
- the module is now being maintained by Thomas Klausner
0.005 Sun Apr 27 10:25:28 BST 2003
- incorporated patch by Casey West to get the number of lines
of comments in a distribution
- moved view.pl from YAML to Data::Dumper
- remoeved DBD::SQLite from prereqs as we're not using it yet
0.004 Mon Apr 21 19:25:18 BST 2003
- incorporated patches by Richard Clamp to refactor the code
and a new metric: lines of pod vs. lines of code
0.003 Sun Apr 13 15:59:42 BST 2003
- include CPAN testers data
0.002 Wed Apr 2 22:02:59 BST 2003
- now kept in a subversion repository
- now get description from the POD of the main module in the
distribution if it's not in the modules list
0.001 Sat Mar 29 16:23:33 GMT 2003
- released initial version, now seperated from Module::CPANTS