# Changes for Module::ExtractUse

0.32    2013-09-04T16:48:07+0200
    - not to include cached results (Kenichi Ishigaki)
    - Fix handling module beginning with v and pragma with version.
      (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - Recognize "use parent". (Yasutaka ATARASHI)

0.31	2013-05-31T10:21:06+0200
    - applied a patch from cjm with slight modification to resolve RT#50723
      (support use Foo::Bar (); etc) (Kenichi Ishigaki)
    - fixed RT#71761 (Kenichi Ishigaki)
    - applied a patch from wyant (RT#71761) (Kenichi Ishigaki)
    - fixed the Pod::Simple encoding issue (Kenichi Ishigaki)
    - Fix incorrect regexp (ref gh-5). (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - Avoid regex features introduced only in later perl (close gh-5).
      (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - Use plan() instead of done_testing() (ref gh-5). (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - Add support for bareword leading hyphyen, in-place arrayref and hashref.
      (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - proper version number for older releases (Brian Cassidy)

0.30	2013-04-18T08:57:49+0200
    - Add accessors and tests for _in_eval/_out_of_eval. (Yasutaka ATARASHI)
    - reworked 80_failig.t to TODO tests; (Thomas Klausner)
    - added more require-in-string corner test cases (suggested by Buddy Burden)
      (Thomas Klausner)
    - Fix the case for eval["']expr["'] and add regression tests.
      (Yasutaka ATARASHI)

0.29    2013-02-25T20:25:44+0100
    - fixed regex to filter use/require (RT83569) (reported by

0.28   2012-08-21T14:41:15+0200
    - whitespace in use base is valid (Barbie)

0.27	2012-03-23T12:40:44+0100
    - fixed 23_universal_require.t for real (RT75342) (reported by
      Manoj Kumar and Paul Howarth)

0.26    2012-03-23T08:42:25+0100
    - removed Test::NoWarning from a t/23_universal_require.t because
      it upsets the (manual) plan if the tests are skipped

0.25    2012-03-22T10:55:42+0100
    - autogenerate the grammer during ./Build (based on a patch by
      jtbraun@CPAN.org) (RT74879)
    - added $VERSION to into Module::ExtractUse::Grammar, suggested
      by Manoj Kumar (RT75342)
    - specify min verion of Parse::RecDescent (1.967009),
      suggested by ANDK@cpan.org (RT75130)
    - fix typos reported by gregor herrmann (RT75115)
    - switched to Dist::Zilla (all on my own!)

0.24    2012-02-12T14:27:36+0100
    - regenerated Grammer to work with new Parse::RecDescent
      (thanks to cpan-testers, TMUELLER, KENTNL, dirkus@yo****.com and
      paul@city****.org for reporting the problem)

0.23   2008-04-26 22:14:28
    - fixed bug regarding 'use utf8' which was interpreted as 'utf'

0.22    2007-11-16
    - added 'use warnings' again to the Grammer... grr, stupid grammer

0.21    2007-11-14
    - fixed Bug reported by hanekomu via IRC:
      Modules::ExtractUse breaks if it is used with UNIVERSAL::require
      so I renamed the grammer tokens 'use' and 'require'. No API changes, 
      but if you use the grammer directly, you'll have to adapt to the new 
      names ('token_use' and 'token_reqire')

0.20    2007-11-07
    - resolved RT #30414 by applying the patch submitted by
      David Landgren
    - rearranged code to better fit my current Perl style      
    - added 'use warnings' to Module::ExtractUse::Grammer for that
      extra kwalitee point

0.19    2007-04-21
    - resolved RT #22953 reported by David R Throop
      documentation error in SYNOPSIS
    - resolved RT #24066 reported by Jose Pedro Oliveira
      license clarification
    - some doc cleanup
    - added more Test modules to build_requires
    - no actual code changes where done in this release

0.18    2006-06-19
    - resolved [rt.cpan.org #19302] reported by DAGOLDEN@cpan.org
      (thanks for the hint!)
      we can now handle stuff like:
          my $ver=1.22;
          eval "use Test::Pod $ver;"
    - moved Test::* prereq into build_requires

0.17	2005-11-07
    - switched to new Changes format
    - updated dependencies (Pod::Strip instead of Pod::Simple)

0.16	2005-09-01
    - added test provided by  BRICAS (thanks a lot)
    - removed bug reported by BRICAS
    - updated docs and various stuff
    - find uses in eval

0.15	2004-10-01
    - use Pod::Strip instead of Pod::Simple subclass hack
    - added accessor method C<files>
    - updated docs
    - added t/pod.t and t/pod_coverage.t
    - adapted test suite to new data structure / accessors
    - resolved rt.cpan.org ticket #7013 "Parser should remember previously
      scanned modules" (Michael G. Schwern) by shuffling various data
      structures around
    - switched to Module::Build

0.11	2004-07-20
    - resolved rt.cpan.org ticket #7012 "uses preceded by a comment can be
      ignored" by applying the patch by Michael G. Schwern. Thanks!

0.10	2003-06-08
   - accelerated the parsing:
     - Parse a statement instead of a whole module
     - Befor parsing, check with a regex if the statement
       contains 'use' or 'require'
     - Enhanced grammer (thanks to $::RD_TRACE)

0.05	2003-04-18
    - added precompilation of grammar to Makefile.PL
    - changed @found to @::found
    - init @::found in start-rule instead via startup-action

0.03	2003-03-31
    - sort of working