Revision history for Perl extension Chemistry::Harmonia.
0.111 2013-05-18
- Fixed tests for new subroutine stoichiometry()
0.11 2013-05-17
- Added new powerfull subroutine stoichiometry()
- Added new subroutine brutto_formula()
- Fixed a problem with the 0 for C0, H0, N0, P0 and others to-> {Co CO}, {Ho HO}...
- Removing of points in late of the formulas
- Added tests, examples into documentation
- README revised
- Refused to use the module Regexp::Common (due to a problem of unpredictable changes. Replaced it a my pure perl code)
- High-speed optimization
- Algorithm of OSE recognition is refined
- Correction and optimization of sub 'good_formula'
0.08 2011-12-05T11:11:11+02:00
[In sub 'oxidation_state']
- high-speed optimization in 2 times;
- algorithm of OSE recognition is refined;
[Correction and optimization of sub 'good_formula']
- 1, !, | -> l/I/i for I, Al, Cl, Tl, Li, Bi, Ni, Si
- Aq, Hq, Mq, Rq, Sq -> Ag, Hg, Mg, Rg, Sg;
- Q -> O
- $ -> s
- And many others optimizations;
- New tests are added.
0.0777 2011-06-15T22:22:22+02:00
- add to Makefile.PL modules Test::LongString & Test::Pod
0.07 2011-06-12T22:22:22+02:00
- 'good_formula' subroutine is added.
- 'prepare_mix' subroutine is added.
- 'class_cir_brutto' subroutine is added.
- 'ttc_reaction' subroutine is added.
- Protesting over 22,100 unique inorganic reactions.
- For 'oxidation_state' is considerable refined the algorithm.
- Protesting over 6,200 well and few know unique inorganic substances.
- For 'parse_chem_mix' is considerable refined the algorithm.
- Numerous errors are eliminated and others.
- The documentation is added.
- Tests for all subroutines are added and optimized the existing.
0.06* 2010-12-10
Top secret version. For internal use.
0.05 2010-12-07T16:40:17+02:00
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-XAn Chemistry::Harmonia
- The first official version.