Revision history for RDF-KV
0.06_01 2018-07-11
Datatype literals as URI objects would crash. Not sure how this
was missed.
0.06 2018-07-10
Added direct access to add/remove triples in RDF::KV::Patch::apply
0.05 2016-05-26
Fixed failure due to changes in Moose.
0.04 2013-11-03
Added dependency for XML::RegExp, as well as macro generators.
0.03 2013-11-03
Removed taint check in t/00-load.t which breaks loading of RDF::Trine.
0.02 2013-11-03
Fleshed out documentation.
0.01 2013-11-03
Initial release of RDF-KV protocol reference implementation.