v0.52, March 18, 1996

Fixed support for Apache DBM group files. 
Thanks to Julian Anderson <Julian.Anderson@Comp.VUW.AC.NZ>
for pointing out the problem.

v0.51, March 10, 1996

Added HTTPD::Authen module.

Added support for Message Digest Authenication using MD5

Added password() method to UserAdmin

New attributes, for flags and file creation mode, now present for working with
DBM files.

New attribute, Encrypt so we can use 'crypt' or 'MD5'.

Now passes -T taint checks

Included 'bhtpasswd', example script for batch updates.

Changes to the example CGI script

Modified locking mechanism for success under CGI

Some general optimizing, much of which was based on what DProf says

Realized not all DBI drivers conform to the spec for DBI->connect(),
added a temporary work-around.

v0.50, February 8, 1996

Initial version