July 14, 1996

o release 0.70b1

o applied patches from Andreas Koenig <k@anna.in-berlin.de> to fix 
  Makefile.tmpl bug, NeXT define troubles, typos and documentation clean-up

o Added Apache::SSI module for server side includes

o Added 'PerlModule' directive for loading modules in srm.conf

o fixed read_client_block bug that was causing trailing garbage to show up
  on the client for some people. 
  Thanks to Alan Beale <agb@openplus.co.uk> for the fix.

June 25, 1996

o release 0.60a5

o fixed bug in mod_perl_fast that was causing bizarre problems for some people

June 18, 1996

o release 0.60a4

o dropped content and args methods from Apache.xs, moved to Apache.pm
  The xs implementation was causing problems for some people

o added Apache::unescape_url function

o added $r->header_in method

June 17, 1996

o release 0.60a3

o Added read() alias for read_client_block

o Updated Makefile.tmpl to use the renamed ExtUtils::embed

o Fixed various small bugs that were causing big problems

o pid $$ now set in mod_perl_fast, thanks to Alan Beale <agb@openplus.co.uk>

o Added basic_http_header() method 

May 21, 1996

o release 0.60a2

o fixed bug in mod_perl_fast.c the caused problems with $r->content and $r->args

o Added Apache::CGI module for those who use CGI.pm

o There's now a Makefile.PL (currently for installing perl-only modules).

May 18, 1996

o release 0.60a1 - first public release

o Started getting ready for optional Safe wrapper around scripts

o Added $r->get_remote_host() method, putting $r->connection->remote_host back to normal

May 9, 1996

o release 0.50a2

o new (faster) approach with mod_perl_fast

o we now use an Apache.pm file

o moved more code from mod_perl to Apache.xs so mod_perl_fast could share it

o organized Apache.xs

o fixed $r->connection->remote_host 

o hiding of 'Authorization' header is optional now

o added 'print' alias to 'write_client'

o dropped set_ prefix for several methods

May 1, 1996

o release 0.50a1

o xs_init now gets linked with us, as generated by Devel::embed
  so we can bootstrap static extensions (including Apache)

o stomped out *main:: variables, moved to Apache.xs as methods

o added method 'request' to return the request pointer object
  And did a typedef request_rec * Apache
  so we don't need to say @request_recPtr::ISA = 'Apache'; anymore

o added method 'write_client' for sending a @list of data to the client

o added methods that simply access members of request_rec

o added method 'args'
  when called in a scalar context, it returns the query string
  when called in a list context, it splits the query_string into key => vairs

o moved parsing code to Apache.xs, and now data is only read when the user
  asks for it with the content() method.

o added method 'content'
  when called in a scalar context, it reads data from the client
  when called in a list context, it splits the content into key => vairs

o added method 'headers_in' to return a %hash of request headers
  the 'Authentication' header is not returned

o added perl_call_argv to Apache->bootstrap ourselves

o we now flush the script's %ENV
o users can set-up a standard CGI %ENV via method $r->cgi_vars

o the script's STDERR in now redirected to the error_log

o added client_to_stdout and client_to_stdin methods to
  hookup the script's STDOUT and STDIN
  ** This is broken right now **

o added method 'connection' and Apache::Connection class
  returns a object reference to the request_rec's conn_rec
  methods availible include:
  - remote_host
  - remote_ip
  - remote_logname
  - remote_user
  - auth_type

o added method 'server' and Apache::Server class
  returns a object reference to the request_rec's server_rec
  methods availible include:

  - server_admin
  - server_host
  - port

o Changes for Apache 1.1x
  -rprintf to bputs, etc.

March ?? 1996
Initial version by Gisle Aas <aas@oslonett.no>