Revision history for Perl extension Convert::TNEF.

0.02  Mon Dec 12 17:30:00 1999
        - fixed and cleaned up some of the debug output.
        - had the bright idea in the first release of including a
          name() method for attachments and put it in the documentation,
          but neglected to actually include the method in the code.
        - Found out that the 'AttachTitle' attribute returns only the
          short (8 char + 3 char extension) version of the filename, so I
          included a 'longname' method which does its best to get the long
          version of the filename. This is extracted out of the 'Attachment'
          attribute data, which is a binary field, and I don't really know
          how to parse this field, but this seems to work to get the name.
0.01  Mon Nov 29 14:26:32 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18