Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DOY

0.10  2013-06-26
      - disable bugtracker.mailto warning

0.09  2012-05-17
      - switch from [ExtraTests] to [CheckExtraTests]

0.08  2012-02-13
      - missed a few deps

0.07  2012-02-12
      - fix Test::Compile warnings
      - start using Git::Commit and Authority
      - allow specifying dynamic_config = 1 in dist.ini
      - use explicit MetaResources rather than inferring things via Repository
        and locally-run git commands

0.06  2011-02-16
      - use Git::NextVersion instead of BumpVersionFromGit
      - use web and clone urls in Repository, and actually get the repo to use
        from git
      - allow testing release by setting $ENV{DZIL_FAKE_RELEASE}
      - always dep on Test::More 0.88 for done_testing

0.05  2010-10-27
      - allow using MakeMaker::Awesome if requested

0.04  2010-09-03
      - allow passing options through to @Basic plugins

0.03  2010-06-15
      - allow dist.ini configuration of the included plugins

0.02  2010-06-13
      - a few small fixes
      - add CheckChangesHasContent

0.01  2010-06-13
      - Initial release