package Moose::Deprecated; BEGIN { $Moose::Deprecated::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; } BEGIN { $Moose::Deprecated::VERSION = '2.0005'; } use strict; use warnings; use Package::DeprecationManager 0.07 -deprecations => { 'default is for Native Trait' => '1.14', 'default default for Native Trait' => '1.14', 'coerce without coercion' => '1.08', 'pre-0.94 MetaRole API' => '0.94', 'alias or excludes' => '0.89', 'Role type' => '0.84', 'subtype without sugar' => '0.72', 'type without sugar' => '0.72', 'Moose::init_meta' => '0.56', }, -ignore => [qr/^(?:Class::MOP|Moose)(?:::)?/], ; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Moose::Deprecated - Manages deprecation warnings for Moose =head1 DESCRIPTION use Moose::Deprecated -api_version => $version; =head1 FUNCTIONS This module manages deprecation warnings for features that have been deprecated in Moose. If you specify C<< -api_version => $version >>, you can use deprecated features without warnings. Note that this special treatment is limited to the package that loads C<Moose::Deprecated>. =cut