0.013   2011-02-09

  * The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception. (ether)
  * Use modern Moose APIs, to avoid warnings with Moose 1.09 (ether)
  * fix documentation mixup in
    MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors::Error::Constructor (ether)
  * moose inlining changes (doy)

0.012   2010-07-19

  * fix for moose deprecation stuff

0.011   2010-06-15

  * fix test for moose doublefail stuff

0.010   2009-01-17

  * dep on Test::Exception, since Moose only test_requires

0.009   2009-12-20

  * document the error classes

0.008   2009-12-19

  * fix constructor trait using find_type_constraint without importing it
  * don't fail if the value given for an attribute would pass validation after

0.007   Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:26:35 -0400

  * avoid Moose deprecation warning

0.006   2009-04-05

  * switch from deprecated method name compute_all_applicable_attributes
  * fix Changes to be latest-first
0.005   2009-03-01

  * add constructor metarole for inlining

0.004   2009-03-01

  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: using AllErrors no longer uses Moose implicitly
  * implementation wrapping BUILDARGS instead of hooking into several different
    parts of object construction

0.003   2009-02-04

  * avoid compile-time death

0.002   2009-02-04

  * rethrow errors that aren't from us

0.001   2009-02-03

  * the "is this crazy?" release