Revision history for Package-Stash

0.18  2011-01-05
      - more correct validity test for scalars (rafl, Roland van Ipenburg)

0.17  2010-11-16
      - bah, get rid of extra junk in the tarball

0.16-TRIAL  2010-11-16
      - fix some issues in the undocumented-but-still-maybe-used-some-places
        hashref api - if you don't know what this is, good!

0.15-TRIAL  2010-11-16
      - split the XS implementation out into its own dist, which will be used
        as a backend for Package::Stash if possible

0.14-TRIAL  2010-11-14
      - complete rewrite in C, for speed (this includes the vivification
        changes from earlier). should be entirely backwards compatible
        otherwise (in terms of documented api anyway).

0.13  2010-10-31
      - revert the vivification changes for now, to get an actual release out
        with Test::Fatal

0.12-TRIAL  2010-10-27
      - actually include the conflict stuff in the release (bah)

0.11-TRIAL  2010-10-27
      - conflict on mx-role-withoverloading too

0.10-TRIAL  2010-10-27
      - only do the weird ISA special-casing on perl versions where it's broken

0.09-TRIAL  2010-10-27
      - clean up the vivication code a lot, make it behave more sanely
      - use Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Justin Hunter)

0.08  2010-09-18
      - oops, accidentally included some experimental changes in that last
        release, that break things

0.07  2010-09-18
      - non-dev release

0.06-TRIAL  2010-08-26
      - re-enable the caching of the stash, since I can't reproduce the bug
        at all

0.05  2010-06-15
      - bump Test::More requirement for done_testing

      - update packaging stuff

0.04  2010-06-13
      - get_package_symbol now doesn't autovivify stash entries. A new method
        get_or_add_package_symbol can now be used for that behavior.

      - Update %DB::sub on add_package_symbol (Tim Bunce).

0.03  2010-05-14
      - Rename from Stash::Manip to Package::Stash

0.02  2010-05-13
      - Need to dep on Test::Exception

0.01  2010-05-12
      - Initial release