Revision history for Reply
0.07 2013-06-08
- expose a 'step' method to run single iterations of the repl
- plugins specified in the 'plugins' constructor parameter are now run
after loading config rather than before (this should give them more
control over what actually runs - if this is a problem, i might add
separate options for "before config" and "after config")
- config handling is split out into a separate Reply::Config class for
better reuse of the config loading logic
- DataDumper plugin now sets Terse and Sortkeys, since that produces
output that looks better
- plugins can now set multiple independent lexical environments, to allow
them to override the actual logical environment without wiping out
special vars set by other plugins
0.06 2013-06-08
- add Timer plugin (Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt)
- fix DataPrinter plugin when ~/.dataprinter has a custom value for
'alias' (Charles Bailey)
0.05 2013-06-04
- avoid test failures from DataPrinter, since it's optional
0.04 2013-06-04
- add a bit of option parsing to the reply script, to support choosing an
alternate configuration file
- Data::Printer plugin (creaktive)
0.03 2013-06-03
- fix LexicalPersistence plugin (reported by tokuhirom)
0.02 2013-06-03
- packaging and pod fixes
0.01 2013-06-03
- Initial release