Revision history for PerlX-QuoteOperator
0.06 2015-02-23 18:06:26 GMT
- Fixed copyright year and released to CPAN
0.05 2015-02-23 17:22:12 GMT
- Removed PerlX::QuoteOperator::URL into separate CPAN module (dist)
- Switched to using Dist::Milla for cpan release
- Close RT...
0.04 Sat 24th December, 2011
* Added patch from TobyInkster:
- Uses Text::Balanced for [], {}, <>, nesting
- See:
0.03 Weds 30th November, 2011
* Prompted by rt72822 from TobyInkster todo:
- Improved CAVEATS part of docs
- Amended alternative parser to also work with () & {}
- Closed -
0.02 Sat March 6, 2009
* Fixed qo-URL.t failing test on Windows due to issues with how I used Directory::Scratch.
- Thanks to Lionel Mehl ( for finding and help fixing this.
0.01 Sat December 16, 2009
* First version, released on CPAN.