1.04 Thu Aug 18 12:21:56 CET 2005
     - Documentation errata.

1.03 Thu Aug 11 12:21:56 CET 2005
     - Porting code for ING Direct France

1.02 Thu Jan 20 11:13:05 CET 2005
     - fix _get_cookie() which generated many redirects before giving up, causing some failure
     - fix _list_accounts()
     - fix ->as_string on a Statement

1.01 Sat Jan  1 20:42:37 CET 2005
     - minor fix for setting the year of the statements at the beginning of a new year
       with no statements for this new year 

1.00 Fri Jun 25 11:40:18 CEST 2004
     - adapt to www.videoposte.com layout

0.02 Thu Jan  8 12:03:33 CET 2004
     - internal change (the Finance::Bank::LaPoste::Statement hash now contains the "year")

0.01 Wed Oct  8 11:00:07 CEST 2003
     - initial release