
# Created: 03/21/2013 10:08:14 PM
# Last Edit: 2014  2月 16, 21時36分50秒
# $Id$

=head1 NAME

print_grades.pl - Format classwork, homework, exams, final grades


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::All;
use YAML qw/LoadFile DumpFile/;
use Cwd;


print_grades.pl > grades.txt


my $session = 1;
my $dirs = '/home/drbean/022';

(my $dir = getcwd) =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]*)$/$1/;
use Grades;
my $l = League->new( leagues => $dirs, id => $dir );
my $g = Grades->new({ league => $l });
my %m = map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $l->members };
my $approach = $l->approach;
my $c = $g->classwork;


A gradesheet


my $hw = $g->homeworkPercent;
my %hw = map { $_ => $g->sprintround( $hw->{$_} ) } keys %$hw;
my $classwork = $approach->new( league => $l )->totalPercent;
my %classwork = map { $_ => $g->sprintround( $classwork->{$_} ) } keys %$classwork;

my $ex = $g->examPercent;
my %ex = map { $_ => $g->sprintround( $ex->{$_} ) } keys %$ex;

my $grade = $g->grades;

my $weights = $g->weights;
my @grades = $l->id . " " . $l->name . " " . $l->field . " Grades\n" .
"Classwork: " . $weights->{classwork} . "\n" .
"Homework: " . $weights->{homework} . "\n" .
"Exams: " . $weights->{exams} . "\n" .
"Name\tId\t   Classwork    Homework\tExams\tGrade\n";
my @ids = sort keys %m;
for my $id ( @ids ) {
	push @grades,


=head1 AUTHOR

Dr Bean C<< <drbean at cpan, then a dot, (.), and org> >>


Copyright 2013 Dr Bean, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


# End of print_grades.pl

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