Revision history for Perl extension Error::Show.
v0.2.1 2023-03-10
  - Stack trace arrays are now copied to prevent unwanted action at a distance
    and fix incorrect line numbers when multiple calls to context are performed
    on the stacke frames
  - Reverse option when using stack frames was not operating as documented. Now
  - Added additional reverse test

  [new features]
  - added limit option to limit number of errors processed
  - added reverse option to reverse sequence of outputs
  - added 'advanced' eval/string program processing. Gives source code
    processing options to isolate context generation to a range of lines
    within a string program.
     * start_mark   
     * end_mark
     * start_offset
     * end_offset

  - Removed unused code
  - Line numbering more consistent internally

  - Example for 'advanced string eval'
  - Fix typos and spelling

v0.1.1  2023-01-22
  - fixed failing frame test on perl 5.26/5.24
  - Fixed up eval example
  - Fixed typos reported by W.Braswell

  - updated Makefile.PL and .gitignore with repo settings. Thankyou to mrdvt92
    via github.

v0.1.0  2023-01-18
	- original version