package Alzabo::Exceptions; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 2.0; my %e; BEGIN { %e = ( 'Alzabo::Exception' => { description => 'Generic exception within the Alzabo API. Should only be used as a base class.', alias => 'exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Driver' => { description => 'An attempt to eval a string failed', fields => [ 'sql', 'bind' ], isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'driver_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Eval' => { description => 'An attempt to eval a string failed', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'eval_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Logic' => { description => 'An internal logic error occurred (presumably, Alzabo was asked to do something that cannot be done)', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'logic_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::NoSuchRow' => { description => 'An attempt to fetch data from the database for a primary key that did not exist in the specified table', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'no_such_row_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Params' => { description => 'An exception generated when there is an error in the parameters passed in a method of function call', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'params_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::NotNullable' => { description => 'An exception generated when there is an attempt is made to set a non-nullable column to NULL', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception::Params', fields => [ 'column_name', 'table_name', 'schema_name' ], alias => 'not_nullable_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Panic' => { description => 'An exception generated when something totally unexpected happens', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'panic_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules' => { description => 'An RDBMS rule check failed', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'rdbms_rules_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::ReferentialIntegrity' => { description => 'An operation was attempted that would violate referential integrity', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'referential_integrity_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::SQL' => { description => 'An exception generated when there a logical error in a set of operation on an Alzabo::SQLMaker object', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'sql_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::Storable' => { description => 'An attempt to call a function from the Storable module failed', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'storable_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::System' => { description => 'An attempt to interact with the system failed', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'system_exception', }, 'Alzabo::Exception::VirtualMethod' => { description => 'Indicates that the method called must be subclassed in the appropriate class', isa => 'Alzabo::Exception', alias => 'virtual_method_exception', }, ); } use Exception::Class (%e); Alzabo::Exception->Trace(1); sub import { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $caller = caller; if ( $args{abbr} ) { foreach my $name ( ref $args{abbr} ? @{ $args{abbr} } : $args{abbr} ) { no strict 'refs'; die "Unknown exception abbreviation '$name'" unless defined &{$name}; *{"${caller}::$name"} = \&{$name}; } } { no strict 'refs'; *{"${caller}::isa_alzabo_exception"} = \&isa_alzabo_exception; *{"${caller}::rethrow_exception"} = \&rethrow_exception; } } sub isa_alzabo_exception { my ($err, $name) = @_; return unless defined $err; if ($name) { my $class = "Alzabo::Exception::$name"; { no strict 'refs'; die "no such exception class $class" unless defined(${"${class}::VERSION"}); } return UNIVERSAL::isa($err, "Alzabo::Exception::$name"); } else { return UNIVERSAL::isa($err, "Alzabo::Exception"); } } sub rethrow_exception { my $err = shift; return unless $err; if ( UNIVERSAL::can( $err, 'rethrow' ) ) { $err->rethrow; } elsif ( ref $err ) { die $err; } Alzabo::Exception->throw( error => $err ); } package Alzabo::Exception; sub format { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{format} = shift eq 'html' ? 'html' : 'text'; } return $self->{format} || 'text'; } sub as_string { my $self = shift; my $stringify_function = "as_" . $self->format; return $self->$stringify_function(); } sub as_text { return $_[0]->full_message . "\n\n" . $_[0]->trace->as_string; } sub as_html { my $self = shift; my $msg = $self->full_message; require HTML::Entities; $msg = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($msg); $msg =~ s/\n/<br>/; my $html = <<"EOF"; <html><body> <p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>System error</b></font></p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td nowrap align="left" valign="top"><b>error:</b> </td> <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap>$msg</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap><b>code stack:</b> </td> <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap> EOF foreach my $frame ( $self->trace->frames ) { my $filename = HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $frame->filename ); my $line = $frame->line; $html .= "$filename: $line<br>\n"; } $html .= <<'EOF'; </td> </tr> </table> </body></html> EOF return $html; } package Alzabo::Exception::Driver; sub full_message { my $self = shift; my $msg = $self->error; $msg .= "\nSQL: " . $self->sql if $self->sql; if ( $self->bind ) { my @bind = map { defined $_ ? $_ : '<undef>' } @{ $self->bind }; $msg .= "\nBIND: @bind" if @bind; } return $msg; } 1; =head1 NAME Alzabo::Exceptions - Creates all exception subclasses used in Alzabo. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Alzabo::Exceptions; =head1 DESCRIPTION Using this class creates all the exceptions classes used by Alzabo (via the L<C<Exception::Class>|Exception::Class> class). See L<C<Exception::Class>|Exception::Class> for more information on how this is done. =head1 EXCEPTION CLASSES =over 4 =item * Alzabo::Exception This is the base class for all exceptions generated within Alzabo (all exceptions should return true for C<< $@->isa('Alzabo::Exception') >> except those that are generated via internal Perl errors). =item * Alzabo::Exception::Driver An error occured while accessing a database. See L<C<Alzabo::Driver>|Alzabo::Driver> for more details. =item * Alzabo::Exception::Eval An attempt to eval something returned an error. =item * Alzabo::Exception::Logic Alzabo was asked to do something logically impossible, like retrieve rows for a table without a primary key. =item * Alzabo::Exception::NoSuchRow An attempt was made to fetch data from the database with a primary key that does not actually exist in the specified table. =item * Alzabo::Exception::NotNullable An attempt was made to set a non-nullable column to C<NULL>. The "column_name", "table_name", and "schema_name" fields can be used to identify the exact column. =item * Alzabo::Exception::Panic This exception is thrown when something completely unexpected happens (think Monty Python). =item * Alzabo::Exception::Params This exception is thrown when there is a problem with the parameters passed to a method or function. These problems can include missing parameters, invalid values, etc. =item * Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules A rule for the relevant RDBMS was violated (bad schema name, table name, column attribute, etc.) =item * Alzabo::Exception::ReferentialIntegrity An insert/update/delete was attempted that would violate referential integrity constraints. =item * Alzabo::Exception::SQL An error thrown when there is an attempt to generate invalid SQL via the Alzabo::SQLMaker module. =item * Alzabo::Exception::Storable A error when trying to freeze, thaw, or clone an object using Storable. =item * Alzabo::Exception::System Some sort of system call (file read/write, stat, etc.) failed. =item * Alzabo::Exception::VirtualMethod A virtual method was called. This indicates that this method should be subclassed. =back =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky, <> =cut