0.12     2011-06-07


- The value returned by Courriel::Part::Single->content() was not decoded to
  Perl's native utf-8 character set. Similarly, when encoding content for
  transfer, it was not first transformed to raw bytes.

0.11     2011-06-07


- Courriel::Builder now adds a "MIME-Version: 1.0" header to all emails it
  creates unless you explicitly set this header, which you probably shouldn't,
  since the only valid value is "1.0". This is a required header for MIME
  emails per RFC2045.

0.10     2011-06-07


- When parsing an email, the encoding attribute for parts was not set
  correctly, and ended up defaulting to 8bit for all parts. Now the encoding
  is set based on the part's Content-Transfer-Encoding header.

0.09     2011-06-06


- This distro now ships a plugin for Email::Abstract, meaning you can use
  Courriel with Email::Sender.

0.08     2011-06-06


- The content() and encoded_content() methods for Courriel::Part::Single now
  return strings, rather than references. This makes the typical use
  simpler. You can still get the reference directly by calling content_ref()
  and encoded_content_ref().


- Make sure that any Content-ID header set via Courriel::Builder is formatted
  properly (the id value should be wrapped in angle brackets).

0.07     2011-06-06

- Some tests were failing because File::LibMagic may return slightly different
  results on different systems (application/x-perl versus text/x-perl).

0.06     2011-06-05

- Add missing test prereq on File::Slurp.

- The clone_without_attachments() method could end up setting the wrong
  encoding when creating a new single part email.

0.05     2011-06-04

- The clone_without_attachments() method would die when calling on an email
  that contained both plain and html inline parts.

0.04     2011-06-04

- Add missing prereq on File::LibMagic (needed since 0.02).

0.03     2011-06-04

- The encoding parameter is now always set in a part's headers.

0.02     2011-06-04

- Added all_parts_matching() method to Courriel class.

- Added clone_without_attachments() method to Courriel class.

- The Courriel::Part::Single attribute raw_content has been renamed as

- The text_body_part() method is now called plain_body_part().

- The add() and unshift() methods in Courriel::Headers now accept only one

- Added Courriel::Headers->replace as a convenience method.

- A header with attributes (like Content-Type) can escape values inside a
  quoted string, like value="foo \" bar". Courriel wasn't unescaping these

- It is now possible to pass a Courriel::Disposition object explicitly when
  constructing a Courriel::Part::Single object. The docs said this was
  possible in 0.01, but the parameter was just ignored.

- If a part is created with an explicit content_type and/or disposition
  object, the part's headers will be updated so that the Content-Type and
  Content-Disposition match the given object.

- The boundary for a Multipart part and the boundary in its ContentType's
  attributes will always be the same.

- All classes now use MooseX::StrictConstructor.

- Some hacks to make it possible for Courriel to play nice with

- Fixed some small doc errors.

0.01     2011-05-31

- First release upon an unsuspecting world.