0.48     2016-04-24

- Only include the DONATIONS pod section for distros where I am the copyright

0.47     2016-04-11

- Revert changes in 0.46 that required a recent Perl. This makes testing on
  Travis painful and makes it harder for others to contribute to any module of
  mine which uses this bundle.

0.46     2016-04-11

- Switched from [ExtraTests] to [RunExtraTests].

- Made the TidyAll plugin in this bundle rewrite existing tidyall.ini files to
  make sure we don't try to check or tidy generated xt tests.

0.45     2016-03-20

- Make sure generated Pod does not have trailing whitespace.

- Fix links to mailing lists to be "mailto:" links.

0.44     2016-03-20

- Make sure that all the Pod::Weaver-related modules that this distribution
  uses are added to the prereqs list.

0.43     2016-03-20

- Added [CheckChangesHasContent].

- Added [Test::CLeanNamespaces].

- If the distro has XS code [PPPort] is added and the generated ppport.h is
  copied from the build into the repo.

- This bundle now generates a CONTRIBUTING.md file automatically.

- Added a new Pod::Weaver author bundle that replaces the one-time generation
  of a weaver.ini file.

- Fixed README.md generation to happen after pod weaving, instead of before.

0.42     2016-02-01

- Disabled the Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef policy in the
  generated perlcriticrc file.

0.41     2016-01-29

- Added the Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON plugin.

0.40 2015-11-24

- Added a new plugin, DROLSKY::Git::CheckFor::CorrectBranch. This plugin only
  checks that the branch is correct on non-TRIAL releases.

0.39     2015-11-24

- Added a use_github_homepage config option.

0.38     2015-09-28

- Remove the RewriteVersion plugin and use my own version provider that simply
  reads the version from the main module. I don't want things appending '#
  TRIAL' comments to my version lines and un-tidying my code.

0.37     2015-08-15

- Include MojibakeTests plugin.

0.36     2015-07-12

- Don't include Test::Pod::LinkCheck and Test::Pod::No404s when running under Travis.

0.35     2015-07-05

- Make it possible to use GitHub issues instead of rt.cpan.org.

0.34     2015-05-14

- Always set xt_mode to true for Test::Compile.

0.33     2015-03-10

- Set --iterations=2 in generated perltidyrc.

0.32     2015-02-08

- Set --blank-lines-before-packages=0 in generated perltidyrc.

0.31     2015-01-15

- Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy need to be the develop requires list for modules
  using this bundle, not in the prereqs of the bundle itself.

0.30     2015-01-13

- Make sure that Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy end up in the prereqs for the
  benefit of the tidyall test.

0.29     2015-01-11

- Made the plugin bundle commit and push the post-release version bump.

0.28     2015-01-11

- Replaced PkgVersion with BumpVersionAfterRelease and added
  CheckVersionIncrement and Test::Version for good measure.

- Added Test::TidyAll and a plugin to generate default tidyall.ini,
  perltidyrc, and perlcriticrc files for my distros.

0.27     2014-12-20

- Replace GatherDir and PruneCruft with Git::GatherDir.

0.26     2014-11-15

- The generated Makefile.PL or Build.PL file is now copied into the repo and
  checked in for each release.

0.25     2014-11-09

- This bundle now consumes the Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer
  role to allow for arbitrary plugin configuration.

0.24     2014-11-04

- Make sure that a copyright_holder in dist.ini overrides the default of
  "David Rolsky".

0.23     2014-11-02

- Oops, accidentally removed the CopyFilesFromBuild plugin from the prereq
  list in the last release.

0.22     2014-11-02

- The DROLSKY::Contributors plugin now leaves existing .mailmap and weaver.ini
  files alone.

- Exclude plugins shipped with this bundle when checking for stale modules.

- Generate a cpanfile and copy it into the repo after a build.

- Copy the LICENSE file into the repo after abuild.

0.21     2014-11-01

- Added custom plugins to setup the weaver.ini file for Contributors and to
  automatically provide default license info.

0.20     2014-11-01

- Explicitly depend on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver because
  SurgicalPodWeaver doesn't - works around RT #87624.

0.19     2014-10-23

- Switched to Test::EOL (0.14)

- Make PkgVersion use a bit smarter (no line insertion and die on existing
  $VERSION in module)

- Update next release version to indicate if a release is a trial

0.18     2014-09-03

- Switched from ContributorsFromGit to Git::Contributors.

0.17     2014-08-15

- Renamed the attributes but didn't fix the method calls in the last version.

0.16     2014-08-15

- Renamed some options - coverage_* => pod_coverage_*

0.15     2014-08-12

- Ordering fix take 2.

0.14     2014-08-12

- Hopefully fix an ordering issue with the Git plugins.

0.13     2014-08-12

- Use GatherDir to exclude files rather than PruneFiles.

0.12     2014-08-03

- Added Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable plugin.

- Removed the remove option in favor of -remove.

0.11     2014-08-02

- Added GitHub::Update plugin.

0.10     2014-08-02

- Added a number of additional plugins to help me make better dists.

- Moved this distro to GitHub.

0.09     2014-05-04

- Use Test::NoTabs plugin instead of NoTabsTests.

0.08     2014-04-05

- Internals fixes to work with Config::MVP that is stricter about handling
  plugin options passed by this bundle. Reported by Karen Etheridge. RT

- Make sure all the plugins this bundle uses end up declared as
  prereqs. Reported by Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker. RT #94363.

0.07     2014-01-25

- Added the PruneFiles plugin to prune the README file that gets copied from
  the build.

- Allow the README to be dirty for Git::Commit.

0.06     2014-01-25

- Added "do_munging => 0" to the options for the Authority plugin so it
  doesn't add a useless $AUTHORITY var to packages.

0.05     2013-12-13

- Added ContributorsFromGit and Meta::Contributors plugins.

0.04     2013-12-13

- Added more plugins and support for removing plugins.

0.03     2013-06-07

- Allow multiple prereqs_skip and stopwords properties

0.02     2013-05-13

- Allow prereqs_skip option to be passed to AutoPrereqs

0.01     2013-04-21

- First release upon an unsuspecting world.