package Fey::Object::Iterator::FromArray; use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use MooseX::AttributeHelpers; use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor; use MooseX::StrictConstructor; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; with 'Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator'; my $iterable_arrayref = subtype as 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Object|Undef]]' => message { 'You must provide an array reference of which each ' . ' element is in turn an array reference. The inner ' . ' references should contain objects or undef.' }; coerce $iterable_arrayref => from 'ArrayRef[Object|Undef]', => via { [ map { [ $_ ] } @{$_} ] }; has '_objects' => ( is => 'ro', isa => $iterable_arrayref, coerce => 1, required => 1, init_arg => 'objects', ); sub _get_next_result { my $self = shift; return $self->_objects()->[ $self->index() ]; } sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->_reset_index(); } no Moose; no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; __PACKAGE__->meta()->make_immutable(); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Fey::Object::Iterator::FromArray - An iterator which iterates over an array of objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use Fey::Object::Iterator::FromArray; my $iter = Fey::Object::Iterator::Caching->new ( classes => 'MyApp::User', objects => \@users, ); my $iter2 = Fey::Object::Iterator::Caching->new ( classes => [ 'MyApp::User', 'MyApp::Group' ], objects => [ [ $user1, $group1 ], [ $user2, $group1 ] ], ); print $iter->index(); # 0 while ( my $user = $iter->next() ) { print $iter->index(); # 1, 2, 3, ... print $user->username(); } # will return cached objects now $iter->reset(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides an object which does the C<Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator> role, but gets its data from an array reference. This lets you provide a single API that accepts data from L<Fey::ORM>-created iterators, or existing data sets. =head1 METHODS This class provides the following methods: =head2 $iterator->new() The constructor requires two parameters, C<classes> and C<objects>. The C<classes> parameter can be a single class name, or an array reference of names. The C<objects> parameter should be an array reference. That reference can contain a list of objects, or an a list of array references, each of which contains objects. In either case, the objects must be subclasses of L<Fey::Object::Table>. =head2 $iterator->reset() Resets the iterator so that the next call to C<< $iterator->next() >> returns the first object(s). =head1 ROLES This class does the L<Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator> role. =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky, <> =head1 BUGS See L<Fey::ORM> for details. =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut