package Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.30'; use Fey::Exceptions qw( param_error ); use Devel::GlobalDestruction; use Moose; use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor; use MooseX::StrictConstructor; with 'Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator'; has dbh => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'DBI::db', required => 1, ); has select => ( is => 'ro', does => 'Fey::Role::SQL::ReturnsData', required => 1, ); has bind_params => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', lazy => 1, default => sub { [ $_[0]->select()->bind_params() ] }, ); has _sth => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'DBI::st', writer => '_set_sth', predicate => '_has_sth', clearer => '_clear_sth', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => '_build_sth', ); has 'attribute_map' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[HashRef[Str]]', default => sub { return {} }, ); has _class_attributes_by_position => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[HashRef[Str]]', init_arg => undef, lazy => 1, builder => '_build_class_attributes_by_position', ); has raw_row => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[ArrayRef]', init_arg => undef, writer => '_set_raw_row', ); no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta()->make_immutable(); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->_validate_attribute_map(); } sub _validate_attribute_map { my $self = shift; my $map = $self->attribute_map(); return unless keys %{ $map }; my %valid_classes = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->classes() }; for my $class ( map { $_->{class} } values %{ $map } ) { die "Cannot include a class in attribute_map ($class) unless it also in classes" unless $valid_classes{$class}; } } sub _get_next_result { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->_sth(); my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref(); $self->_set_raw_row($row); return unless $row; my $map = $self->_class_attributes_by_position(); my @result; for my $class ( @{ $self->classes() } ) { my %attr = map { $map->{$class}{$_} => $row->[$_] } keys %{ $map->{$class} }; $attr{_from_query} = 1; # FIXME - This eval is kind of a band-aid. It is possible # (especially with DBD::Mock) for %attr to contain bogus data # (wrong types). However, it's also possible for %attr to # contain undefs for non-NULLable columns when iterating over # the results of a select, especially outer joins. # # In the outer join case, we do want to ignore object # construction errors, but otherwise we don't. # # Fortunately, bogus data is unlikely, unless the caller # explicitly provides a bad attribute_map, or a valid # attribute_map and a crazy query. It also can happen pretty # easily with DBD::Mock. push @result, eval { $class->new( \%attr ) } || undef; } return \@result; } sub _build_sth { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->dbh()->prepare( $self->select()->sql( $self->dbh() ) ); $sth->execute( @{ $self->bind_params() } ); return $sth; } sub _has_explicit_attribute_map { my $self = shift; return keys %{ $self->attribute_map() }; } sub _build_class_attributes_by_position { my $self = shift; return $self->_remap_explicit_attribute_map() if $self->_has_explicit_attribute_map; my $x = 0; my %map; for my $s ( $self->select()->select_clause_elements() ) { if ( $s->can('table') ) { my $class = Fey::Meta::Class::Table->ClassForTable( $s->table() ); $map{$class}{$x} = $s->can('alias_name') ? $s->alias_name() : $s->name(); } $x++; } return \%map; } sub _remap_explicit_attribute_map { my $self = shift; my $explicit_map = $self->attribute_map(); my %map; for my $pos ( keys %{ $explicit_map } ) { $map{ $explicit_map->{$pos}{class} }{$pos} = $explicit_map->{$pos}{attribute}; } return \%map; } sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->_finish_handle(); $self->_clear_sth(); $self->_reset_index(); return; } sub DEMOLISH { my $self = shift; $self->_finish_handle(); } sub _finish_handle { my $self = shift; # We really don't care about cleanly finishing statement handles # in this case, and this code just doesn't work so well in that # case anyway. return if in_global_destruction(); return unless $self->_has_sth(); $self->_sth()->finish() if $self->_sth()->{Active}; } no Moose; no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; __PACKAGE__->meta()->make_immutable(); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect - Wraps a DBI statement handle to construct objects from the results =head1 SYNOPSIS use Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect; my $iter = Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect->new ( classes => 'MyApp::User', select => $select, dbh => $dbh, bind_params => \@bind, ); print $iter->index(); # 0 while ( my $user = $iter->next() ) { print $iter->index(); # 1, 2, 3, ... print $user->username(); } $iter->reset(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements an iterator on top of a DBI statement handle. Each call to C<next()> returns one or more objects based on the data returned by the statement handle. =head1 METHODS This class provides the following methods: =head2 Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect->new(...) This method constructs a new iterator. It accepts the following parameters: =over 4 =item * classes This can be a single class name, or an array reference of class names. These should be classes associated with the tables from which data is being C<SELECT>ed. The iterator will return an object of each class in order when C<< $iterator->next() >> is called. This can be any class, not just a class which uses L<Fey::ORM::Table>. However, the iterator methods below which return hashes only work when all the classes have a C<Table()> method. =item * dbh A connected DBI handle =item * select This can be any object which does the L<Fey::Role::SQL::ReturnsData> role. Usually this will be a L<Fey::SQL::Select> object. This object should be a query which returns the data that this iterator will iterate over. =item * bind_params This should be an array reference of one or more bind params for the C<SELECT>. This is an optional parameter. If it not passed, then the bind parameters will be obtained by calling the C<bind_params()> method on the "select" parameter. =item * attribute_map This lets you explicitly map an element of the C<SELECT> clause to a specific class's attribute. See L<ATTRIBUTE MAPPING> for more details. =back =head2 $iterator->index() This returns the current index value of the iterator. When the object is first constructed, this index is 0, and it is incremented once for each row fetched by calling C<< $iteartor->next() >>. =head2 $iterator->next() This returns the next set of objects, based on data retrieved by the query. In list context this returns all the objects. In scalar context it returns the first object. It is possible that one or more of the objects it returns will be undefined, though this should really only happen with an outer join. The statement handle will be executed the first time this method is called. If the statement handle is exhausted, this method returns false. =head2 $iterator->remaining() This returns all of the I<remaining> sets of objects. If the iterator is for a single class, it returns a list of objects of that class. If it is for multiple objects, it returns a list of array references. =head2 $iterator->all() This returns all of the sets of objects. If necessary, it will call C<< $iterator->reset() >> first. If the iterator is for a single class, it returns a list of objects of that class. If it is for multiple objects, it returns a list of array references. =head2 $iterator->next_as_hash() Returns the next set of objects as a hash. The keys are the names of the object's associated table. If the statement handle is exhausted, this method returns false. This method will throw an exception unless all of the iterator's classes have a C<Table()> method. =head2 $iterator->remaining_as_hashes() This returns all of the I<remaining> sets of objects as a list of hash references. Each hash ref is keyed on the table name of the associated object's class. This method will throw an exception unless all of the iterator's classes have a C<Table()> method. =head2 $iterator->all_as_hashes() This returns all of the sets of objects as a list of hash references. If necessary, it will call C<< $iterator->reset() >> first. Each hash ref is keyed on the table name of the associated object's class. This method will throw an exception unless all of the iterator's classes have a C<Table()> method. =head2 $iterator->reset() Resets the iterator so that the next call to C<< $iterator->next() >> returns the first objects. Internally this means that the statement handle will be executed again. It's possible that data will have changed in the DBMS since then, meaning that the iterator will return different objects after a reset. =head2 $iterator->raw_row() Returns an array reference containing the I<raw> data returned by the query on the most recent call to C<< $iterator->next() >>. Once the iterator is exhausted, this method returns C<undef>. =head2 $iterator->DEMOLISH() This method will call C<< $sth->finish() >> on its C<DBI> statement handle if necessary. =head1 ATTRIBUTE MAPPING This class tries to automatically map each element of the C<SELECT> clause to a class's attribute. You can also provide your own explicit mappings as needed. In the absence of an explicit mapping, it checks to see if the element has a C<table()> method. If it does, it calls C<< Fey::Meta::Class::Table->ClassForTable >> in order to get a class name for the table. Then it uses the value of C<name()> (for column objects) or C<alias_name()> (for column alias objects) as the name of the attribute to be passed to the class's constructor. If the class is not listed in the iterator's "classes" attribute, then it will simply be ignored. If the element does not have a C<table()> method or an explicit mapping, it is ignored. This default works for most queries, where you're just selecting some or all of the columns from one or more tables. In more exotic cases, you can specify an explicit mapping. The mapping maps a C<SELECT> clause element to a specify class's attribute. The map would look something like this: Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect->new ( classes => [ 'User', 'Message' ], dbh => $dbh, select => $select, attribute_map => { 0 => { class => 'User', attribute => 'user_id', }, 1 => { class => 'User', attribute => 'username', }, 3 => { class => 'Message', attribute => 'message_id', }, }, ); The keys in the mapping are positions in the list of C<SELECT> clause elements. The numbers start from zero (0) just like a Perl array. The values are themselves a hash reference specifying a "class" and "attribute" of that class. This explicit mapping is useful for more "exotic" queries. For example: SELECT Message.user_id, COUNT(message_id) AS message_count FROM Message ORDER BY message_count DESC GROUP BY user_id LIMIT 10 This query selects to the top 10 most frequent message posters from a C<Message> table. Assuming our C<User> class has a C<message_count> attribute, we'd like to create a list of C<User> objects from this query. Fey::Object::Iterator::FromSelect->new ( classes => [ 'User', 'Message' ], dbh => $dbh, select => $select, attribute_map => { 0 => { class => 'User', attribute => 'user_id', }, 1 => { class => 'User', attribute => 'message_count', }, ); Explicit mappings to classes not listed in the "classes" attribute cause an error at object construction time. =head1 ROLES This class does the L<Fey::ORM::Role::Iterator> role. =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky, <> =head1 BUGS See L<Fey::ORM> for details. =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2006-2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut