0.11 2005-07-18
- Clarified and improved the docs (I hope).
- MasonX::WebApp::ApacheHandler->request_args() now requires an
Apache::Request object unless args_method is set to "CGI".
0.10 2005-07-17
- The handler() sub provided by MasonX::WebApp was broken, as was the
version in the docs. Reported by George Hartzell.
- If your subclass did not call $class->ApacheHandlerParams() and set
some parameters, then MasonX::WebApp's default handler() would fail.
Reported by Lee Carmichael.
- Fix handling of MasonGlobalName. Reported by George Hartzell.
- Shut up annoying "subroutine redefined" warnings from
- Added some real tests
- Require Perl 5.6.0+
0.09 2005-05-25
- Documented RequireAbortAfterAction declarative parameter.
- Added overridable method _is_valid_action() to allow for more
fine-grained control over what methods are exposed via URIs.
- Made ActionURIPrefixRegex public. This allows for more control over
what can come before an action name in a URI.
0.08 2004-08-16
- Added abort() and abort_status() methods, to allow you to abort
processing without redirecting.
- The redirected() method is now deprecated, as it has been
re-implemented to use the new abort() method.
0.07 2004-08-11
- Allow the error parameter to _handle_error() to be an array
reference of error messages.
0.06 2004-08-06 (from Taiwan to you)
- Arguments given new() besides apache_req and args are now passed
through to the _init() method.
0.05 2004-05-29
- The handler method was broken.
- Added a warning about being careful to make sure that the app object
goes out of scope at the end of the request, because if you make it a
global via the Mason Interp object's set_global() method, it can
persist across requests.
0.04 2004-05-13
- Calling clean_request_args() on the ApacheHandler object at the end
of the request is no longer needed. Thanks to Ken Williams for
suggesting that I use $r->pnotes(). But why didn't I think of that?
0.03 2004-05-12
- _LoadActions was broken, and didn't work at all.
0.02 2004-05-12
- Fix a dumb syntax error that broke the session_wrapper() method.
Reported by Michael Alan Dorman.
0.01 2004-05-11
- First release.