Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-AttributeHelpers
0.23 Fri Jan 1, 2010
- A small internals fix to prevent breakage with the next version of
Moose. (Dave Rolsky)
0.22 Mon Sep 14, 2009
- Fix to work with Moose 0.90. Ignore meta when auto-providing a method
provider's methods. (Dave Rolsky)
0.21 Sun July 19, 2009
- Add length to String (Florian Ragwitz).
- Specify build dependency on Test::Moose (Closes RT#47258) (Florian Ragwitz).
- Fix the error message you get on unknown 'curries' parameters to tell you
what it really expected (Florian Ragwitz).
- Doc typo fix in Collection::Bag (Sartak).
0.20 Thu June 25, 2009
- MXAH is moving into core. This module will be deprecated when
that finally happens.
- Remove register_implementation methods from the traits because
we don't want to conflict with cored AttributeHelpers. You'll need to
specify the full package name for traits --
MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Counter instead of Counter
- New provided method for hashs: elements (Returns the key, value
pairs in the hash as a flattened list) (plu)
0.19 Sun June 14, 2009
- No functional changes from 0.18_01
0.18_01 Mon June 1, 2009
- Turn our metaclasses into traits, though metaclasses still exist for
backwards compatibility (Sartak and doy)
- Add accessor to Hash and Array (Sartak)
- Let the user know which constraint they have violated in the confessed
message (nperez)
0.17 Fri April 19, 2009
- Add defined to Hash (Evan Carroll).
0.16 Sun April 5, 2009
- Add substr to String (Florian Ragwitz).
0.15 Thu March 26, 2009
- The splice helper for arrays was completely broken. Reported by
Abhijit Mahabal. RT #43343.
0.14 Thu October 2, 2008
- Run pod tests only for authors
0.13 Mon September 1, 2008
- No code changes, just a stable release for Moose 0.56.
0.12_01 Wed August 20, 2008
- fixed some missing Pod::Coverage (stevan)
- fixes to work with Moose 0.55_01 and Class::MOP 0.64_01
0.12 Sun. Jun 29, 2008
- Move get from Array to List (gphat)
- Add first and last to List (gphat)
- Doc fixes (gphat)
- fix failing tests due to using DateTime (jasonmay)
0.11 Thurs. Jun 26, 2008
- add the ability to curry method providers (thanks to jasonmay)
- Counter: add set and allow inc and dec to accept args
- add Bool as an attribute helper (thanks to jasonmay)
- bump all modules to version 0.11 for consistency (Sartak)
0.09 Sat. May 24, 2008
- remove Module::Build in favor of Module::Install
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash
- delete with multiple keys will now work (thanks to frodwith)
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::List
- add "join" and "elements" provided methods (thanks to Sartak)
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array
- add "splice" provided method
0.08 Sat. April 12, 2008
~~ updates copyright year on all modules ~~
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash
- fixed bug in non-type constraint version of set
method (thanks to frodwith)
0.07 Tues. Jan. 1, 2008
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::String
- Initial version
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Hash
- get and set now support aggregate operations
0.06 Tues. Dec. 7, 2007
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Base
- added the &remove_accessors method to comply with the
Class::MOP::Attribute interface
- added test for this
- the &install_accessors method now also properly assocaites
the methods with the attribute, so they are accessible via
introspection now.
0.05 Sat. Nov. 24, 2007
- update Class::MOP dependency
- hide the Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::* package
declarations from (when did they change
things to start seeing these?? *sigh*)
0.04 Fri. Nov. 23, 2007
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Base
- changing this to use the new Class::MOP::Attribute
reader and write method ref stuff.
- fixed this to use find_or_create_type_constraint
instead of trying to parse stuff on our own.
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection
- this is pretty much empty subclass now cause of
the find_or_create_type_constraint fix above
+ MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::ImmutableHash
+ MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag
- added these two new collection types
- added method provider roles for them
- added tests for them
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash
- this is now composed from the ImmutableHash
method provider
* t/
- fixed the plans on all the tests
0.03 Mon. Sept. 17, 2007
~~ more misc. doc updates ~~
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter
- now provides default attribute options for 'is',
'isa', 'provides', and 'default' if not specified.
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Base
- added attribute $name to the params passed to
process_options_or_provides(), which gives us more
flexibility when writing additional helpers
- removed check for 'provides' and 'isa' attr
options before _process_options. It should be
called always.
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array
- added `delete` and `insert` methods
0.02 Thurs. Sept. 13, 2007
~~ some misc. doc updates ~~
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Base
- now providing subrefs for the reader and writer
methods to all the method provider constructors
(this should speed things up quite a bit).
- all method providers now use this internally
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter
- added the 'reset' method
* MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array
- Extracted the List method provider role from
Array and made Array consume List.
+ MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::List
- created the Collection::List metaclass
derived from parts of the old Collection::Array
0.01 Mon. Aug. 13, 2007
- module released to CPAN