Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-Singleton

0.09_02 2008-08-22
    - bumped the Moose dependency to 0.55_01 (Dave Rolsky)

0.09_01 2008-08-21
    - fixes to work with the latest dev release of Moose - 0.55_01 (Dave Rolsky)

0.09 2008-06-27
    - fix immutability to work with Moose 0.51 (Dave Rolsky)

0.08 2008-05-24
    - fix make_immutable keyword in test (Sartak)
    - immutable singleton objects did not call triggers in the constructor (Dave Rolsky)
    - fix immutability to actually work with modern Moose 0.41+ (Dave Rolsky)

0.07 2008-03-07
    - bump Moose dep to 0.37 because that's when we got make_immutable (Sartak)

0.06 2008-03-05
    - singleton objects were broken when made_immutable (Dave Rolsky)

0.05 2008-02-03
    - avoid re-BUILD-ing existing singleton objects (rjbs)

0.04 2008-01-27
    - exception when ->new called with args and instance already init'd (rjbs)
    - added ->initialize method to remove any ambiguity with ->new (rjbs)

0.03 2007-12-16
    - reimplementation as a metaclass (Sartak)
    - initial CPAN release

0.02 2007-12-16
    - instance and new are really the same, cleanup (Sartak)

0.01 2007-04-20
    - initial implementation as a role (Debolaz)