Revision history for MooseX-Types

0.27    2011-06-06
        - A better fix for type constraint changes in Moose 2.0100. (doy)

0.26    2011-06-05

        - Small changes for forward compatibility with Moose 2.0100, when it
          is released. (Dave Rolsky)
        - Some small doc cleanup and improvements. (Dave Rolsky)

0.25    2010-11-30
        - The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception
          (Karen Etheridge).
        - Modernized tests to use Test::Requires and done_testing. (Dave
        - MooseX::Types::Combine is a little more efficient, and only tries to
          load the libraries it's combining when that list is set. It also
          checks that each lib in the list actually provides types. (Dave
        - The MooseX::Types docs now contain a pointer to
          MooseX::Types::Combine. (Dave Rolsky)

0.24    2010-09-11
        - Avoid more warnings from Moose 1.09 in tests (Dave Rolsky).

0.23    2010-07-19
        - Avoid warnings from Moose 1.09 in tests (Dave Rolsky).

0.22    2010-06-01
        - Update docs to mention MRO::Compat rather than Class::C3.
        - Added '0+' overloading to solve the type constraint equality
          regression introduced when Moose 1.05 tightened the rules
          determing type constraint equality.  Added tests for the

0.21    2009-12-23
        - Attempting to import a non-existent type from a combined type
          library gave a very confusing error message from the
          MooseX::Types::Combined internals. Now it gives you a much more
          useful message. (Dave Rolsky)
        - bump up Moose dep (RT#53016)

0.20    2009-09-10
        - fix "empty export" warning (doy).

0.19    2009-08-23
        - un-fix coercions on parameterized types, since it broke
          MooseX::Method::Signatures, as well as any other code that relied on
          new type constraint objects being generated each time a type was
          parameterized (hdp).

0.18    2009-08-22
        - fix coercions on parameterized types (Hans Dieter Pearcey).

0.17    2009-08-18
        - Documentation typo fix (Dave Rolsky).
        - Stop blowing up in has_available_type_export if the introspected code
          symbol exists but is not a type export (Florian Ragwitz).
        - Reorganize author/copyright sections at the request of Debian
          packagers (Rafael Kitover).

0.16    2009-06-29
        - Ship with Module::Install 0.91

0.15    2009-06-27
        - Change all uses of croak in TypeDecorator to use the Moose
          throw_exception method.
        - More test cases for the union mixed string type issue, and
          better handling of this in the | overload in TypeDecorator

0.14    2009-06-26
        - Fix union with string type

0.13    2009-06-23
        - Add Test::Moose to build_requires for Fedora

0.12    2009-06-14
        - fix mixing of typelibs with regular Moose classes

0.11    2009-05-23
        - warning on string types and unregistered class/role types
        - better error for missing comma
        - MooseX::Types::Combine for combining type libs

0.10    2009-03-06
        - Removed unneeded debugging code from one of the tests, which was
          causing installation errors for people that didn't already have
          Data::Dump installed. (jjnapiork)
0.09    ...
        - Added MooseX::Types::Util::has_available_type_export($p, $n) to
          allow introspection of available types for other libraries wanting
          to use type export names for type specifications.

0.08    2008-12-09
        - Added experimental support for recursive type constraints.  Pod and
          tests for this feature.  Let the madness begin.
        - Documentation updates.
        - Workaround test case for the SUb::Exporter compatibility issue.  Also
          documented in Pod.

0.07    2008-10-07
        - Bumped minimum allowed Moose version to fix problem with overloading
          on some versions of Perl
        - Tiny documentation updates.

0.06    2008-10-24
        - Added support for parameterized types and type unions, tests for all
        that and documentation updates.

0.05    [unknown]
        - moved export mechanism to Sub::Exporter. ::Base contains
          a bunch of wrapping logic to allow the export-along functionality
          for the helper symbols
        - removed vestigial load of Sub::UpLevel since it breaks
          the argument display in confess()

0.04    2007-08-09
        - Automatically set strict and warnings like Moose does

0.03    2007-08-09
        - Minor POD typo correction
        - Added some error messages for wrong type names
        - Coercion handler not exported without type object
        - Moved from Class::Inspector to Class::MOP::load_class

0.02    2007-08-08
        - Changed declaration to croak when it sees '::' in a typename

0.01    2007-08-08
        - Initial release