0.07    2010-11-27

- The version check caused the output of "$cmd --version" to be visible,
  instead of being captured.

0.06    2010-11-27

- Added a new parameter, require_ssl, for pg_dump and psql. If this is true,
  then the PGSSLMODE env var is set to "require" when connecting to the dbms.

0.05    2010-11-27

- The command line arguments for pg_dump and psql included -w, which only
  works on 8.4+. Now we check to see what version of the command line
  utilities we have, and only add -w when it's allowed. Reported by Getty.

0.04    2010-11-25

- Added a new class, Pg::CLI::pg_config.

- All classes now take an executable parameter so you can explicitly set the
  path to the executable. By default, classes look in the current path, and
  die if they cannot find the relevant executable.

0.03    2010-11-25

- The psql execute_file method now accepts a Path::Class::File object for the
  file name.

- The psql execute_file method reused the same default ref for options
  repeatedly, causing weird bugs.

0.02    2010-11-25

- Forget to list prereqs.

0.01    2010-11-24

- Initial release.