0.001001 2014-03-27

- (Hopefully) Fix some test failures that look they're caused by hash
  randomization. Reported by Slaven Rezic. GitHub issue #1.

0.001000 2014-03-20

- Totally redesigned the whole thing after discussions with Greg Oschwald here
  at MaxMind. I did say this was alpha!

0.000002 2014-03-03

- The tests now require Time::HiRes 1.9722. It seems like the version shipped
  before Perl 5.16 (1.9721_01) has a weird bug when used like this:

      some_sub( (stat $file)[9] );

  It seems to return the value "9" rather than the mtime.

0.000001 2014-02-25

- First release upon an unsuspecting world.