package Test::Class::Moose::Role::Executor;

# ABSTRACT: Common code for Runner classes

use 5.10.0;

our $VERSION = '0.89';

use Moose::Role 2.0000;
use Carp;
use namespace::autoclean;

use List::SomeUtils qw(uniq);
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use Test2::API qw( test2_stack );
use Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest qw( async_subtest );
use Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry;
use Test::Class::Moose::Config;
use Test::Class::Moose::Report::Class;
use Test::Class::Moose::Report::Instance;
use Test::Class::Moose::Report::Method;
use Test::Class::Moose::Report;
use Test::Class::Moose::Util qw( context_do );
use Try::Tiny;

has 'test_configuration' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Test::Class::Moose::Config',
    required => 1,

has 'test_report' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Test::Class::Moose::Report',
    builder => '_build_test_report',

sub runtests {
    my $self = shift;

    my $report = $self->test_report;
    my @test_classes = $self->test_classes;


    context_do {
        my $ctx = shift;

        $ctx->plan( scalar @test_classes );


        $ctx->diag(<<"END") if $self->test_configuration->statistics;
Test classes:    @{[ $report->num_test_classes ]}
Test instances:  @{[ $report->num_test_instances ]}
Test methods:    @{[ $report->num_test_methods ]}
Total tests run: @{[ $report->num_tests_run ]}


    return $self;

sub _validate_test_classes {
    my $self = shift;

    my @bad = grep { !$_->isa('Test::Class::Moose') } @_
      or return;

    my $msg = 'Found the following class';
    $msg .= 'es' if @bad > 1;
      .= ' that '
      . ( @bad > 1 ? 'are'        : 'is' ) . ' not '
      . ( @bad > 1 ? 'subclasses' : 'a subclass' )
      . " of Test::Class::Moose: @bad";
    $msg .= ' (did you load '
      . ( @bad > 1 ? 'these classes' : 'this class' ) . '?)';
    die $msg;

sub _run_test_classes {
    my $self         = shift;
    my @test_classes = @_;

    for my $test_class (@test_classes) {
            { manual_skip_all => 1 },
            sub { $self->_run_test_class($test_class) }

sub _build_test_report {
    my $self = shift;

    # XXX - This isn't very elegant and won't work well in the face of other
    # types of Executors. However, the real fix is to make parallel reporting
    # actually work so the report doesn't have to care about this.
    return Test::Class::Moose::Report->new(
        is_parallel => ( ref $self ) =~ /::Parallel$/ ? 1 : 0,

sub _run_test_class {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $test_class = shift;

    my $class_report
      = Test::Class::Moose::Report::Class->new( name => $test_class );



    my $passed = $self->_run_test_instances( $test_class, $class_report );



    return $class_report;

sub _run_test_instances {
    my $self         = shift;
    my $test_class   = shift;
    my $class_report = shift;

    my @test_instances = $test_class->_tcm_make_test_class_instances(
        test_report => $self->test_report,

    unless (@test_instances) {
        context_do {
            my $ctx = shift;

            my $message = "Skipping '$test_class': no test instances found";
            $ctx->plan( 0, 'SKIP' => $message );
        return 1;

    return context_do {
        my $ctx = shift;

        $ctx->plan( scalar @test_instances )
          if @test_instances > 1;

        my $passed = 1;
        for my $test_instance (
            sort { $a->test_instance_name cmp $b->test_instance_name }
            @test_instances )
            my $instance_report = $self->_maybe_wrap_test_instance(
                @test_instances > 1,
            $passed = 0 if not $instance_report->passed;

        return $passed;

sub _maybe_wrap_test_instance {
    my $self          = shift;
    my $class_report  = shift;
    my $test_instance = shift;
    my $in_subtest    = shift;

    return $self->_run_test_instance(
    ) unless $in_subtest;

    my $instance_report;
        { manual_skip_all => 1 },
        sub {
            $instance_report = $self->_run_test_instance(

    return $instance_report;

sub _run_test_instance {
    my ( $self, $class_report, $test_instance ) = @_;

    my $test_instance_name = $test_instance->test_instance_name;
    my $instance_report    = Test::Class::Moose::Report::Instance->new(
        {   name => $test_instance_name,

    local $0 = "$0 - $test_instance_name"
      if $self->test_configuration->set_process_name;



    my @test_methods = $self->_test_methods_for($test_instance);

    context_do {
        my $ctx = shift;

        unless (@test_methods) {

            my $message
              = "Skipping '$test_instance_name': no test methods found";
            $ctx->plan( 0, SKIP => $message );

        my $report = $self->test_report;

        unless (
                $test_instance, 'test_startup', $instance_report,

        if ( my $message = $test_instance->test_skip ) {

            # test_startup skipped the class

            if ( $test_instance->run_control_methods_on_skip ) {
                $self->_run_shutdown( $test_instance, $instance_report )
                  or return;

            $ctx->plan( 0, SKIP => $message );

        $ctx->plan( scalar @test_methods );

        my $all_passed = 1;
        foreach my $test_method (@test_methods) {
            my $method_report = $self->_run_test_method(
            $all_passed = 0 if not $method_report->passed;

        $self->_run_shutdown( $test_instance, $instance_report );

        # finalize reporting
        if ( $self->test_configuration->show_timing ) {
            my $time = $instance_report->time->duration;
            $ctx->diag("$test_instance_name: $time");

    return $instance_report;

sub _run_shutdown {
    my ( $self, $test_instance, $instance_report ) = @_;

    return 1
      if $self->_run_test_control_method(
        $test_instance, 'test_shutdown', $instance_report,


    return 0;

sub _test_methods_for {
    my ( $self, $thing ) = @_;

    my @filtered = $self->_filtered_test_methods($thing);
    return uniq(
        ? shuffle(@filtered)
        : sort @filtered

sub _filtered_test_methods {
    my ( $self, $thing ) = @_;

    my @method_list = $thing->test_methods;
    if ( my $include = $self->test_configuration->include ) {
        @method_list = grep {/$include/} @method_list;
    if ( my $exclude = $self->test_configuration->exclude ) {
        @method_list = grep { !/$exclude/ } @method_list;

    my $test_class = ref $thing ? $thing->test_class : $thing;
    return $self->_filter_by_tag(

sub _filter_by_tag {
    my ( $self, $class, $methods ) = @_;

    my @filtered_methods = @$methods;
    if ( my $include = $self->test_configuration->include_tags ) {
        my @new_method_list;
        foreach my $method (@filtered_methods) {
            foreach my $tag (@$include) {
                if (Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry->method_has_tag(
                        $class, $method, $tag
                    push @new_method_list => $method;
        @filtered_methods = @new_method_list;
    if ( my $exclude = $self->test_configuration->exclude_tags ) {
        my @new_method_list = @filtered_methods;
        foreach my $method (@filtered_methods) {
            foreach my $tag (@$exclude) {
                if (Test::Class::Moose::AttributeRegistry->method_has_tag(
                        $class, $method, $tag
                      = grep { $_ ne $method } @new_method_list;
        @filtered_methods = @new_method_list;
    return @filtered_methods;

my %TEST_CONTROL_METHODS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/

sub _run_test_control_method {
    my ( $self, $test_instance, $phase, $report_object ) = @_;

    local $0 = "$0 - $phase"
      if $self->test_configuration->set_process_name;

      or croak("Unknown test control method ($phase)");

    my %report_args = (
        name     => $phase,
        instance => (
            ? $report_object->instance
            : $report_object
    my $phase_method_report
      = Test::Class::Moose::Report::Method->new( \%report_args );

    my $set_meth = "set_${phase}_method";

    # It'd be nicer to start and end immediately after we call
    # $test_instance->$phase but we can't guarantee that those calls would
    # happen inside the try block.

    my $success = context_do {
        my $ctx = shift;

        return try {
            my $count = $ctx->hub->count;
            croak "Tests may not be run in test control methods ($phase)"
              unless $count == $ctx->hub->count;
        catch {
            my $error = $_;
            my $class = $test_instance->test_class;
            $ctx->ok( 0, "$class->$phase failed", [$error] );


    return $success;

sub _run_test_method {
    my ( $self, $test_instance, $test_method, $instance_report ) = @_;

    local $0 = "$0 - $test_method"
      if $self->test_configuration->set_process_name;

    my $method_report = Test::Class::Moose::Report::Method->new(
        { name => $test_method, instance => $instance_report } );




    my $num_tests  = 0;
    my $test_class = $test_instance->test_class;

    context_do {
        my $ctx = shift;

        my $skipped;

        # If the call to ->$test_method fails then this subtest will fail and
        # Test2::API will also include a diagnostic message with the error.
        my $p = async_subtest(
            { manual_skip_all => 1 },
            sub {
                my $hub = test2_stack()->top;
                if ( my $message = $test_instance->test_skip ) {

                    # I can't figure out how to get our current context in
                    # order to call $ctx->plan instead.
                    context_do {
                        shift->plan( 0, SKIP => $message );
                    $skipped = 1;
                    return 1;

                $num_tests = $hub->count;

        if ( $self->test_configuration->show_timing ) {
            my $time = $method_report->time->duration;
            $ctx->diag( $method_report->name . ": $time" );

        # $p will be undef if the tests failed but we want to stick to 0
        # or 1.
        $method_report->passed( $p ? 1 : 0 );

        unless ( $skipped && !$test_instance->run_control_methods_on_skip ) {
            ) or $method_report->passed(0);

        return $p;

    return $method_report unless $num_tests && !$method_report->is_skipped;

      unless $method_report->has_plan;

    return $method_report;

sub test_classes {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( my $classes = $self->test_configuration->test_classes ) {
        return @{$classes} if @{$classes};

    my %metaclasses = Class::MOP::get_all_metaclasses();
    my @classes;
    foreach my $class ( keys %metaclasses ) {
        next if $class eq 'Test::Class::Moose';
        push @classes => $class if $class->isa('Test::Class::Moose');

    if ( $self->test_configuration->randomize_classes ) {
        return shuffle(@classes);
    return sort @classes;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Test::Class::Moose::Role::Executor - Common code for Runner classes

=head1 VERSION

version 0.89

=for Pod::Coverage runtests test_classes

=head1 SUPPORT

Bugs may be submitted at L<>.

I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on C<irc://>.

=head1 SOURCE

The source code repository for Test-Class-Moose can be found at L<>.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Curtis "Ovid" Poe <>

=item *

Dave Rolsky <>



This software is copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution.
