Revision history for Perl extension Test::Vars

0.008 2015-08-19T21:08:28Z
    - In some corner cases, Test::Vars would try to look inside the body of a
      stub sub ("sub foo;") and then blow up. This could be triggered by
      declaring a stub sub and then an attribute with a reader of the same
      name in a Moose::Role, for example. Reported by Andy Jack.

0.007 2015-08-19T15:54:27Z
    - Fix tests with threaded Perl 5.22+. Reported by Paul Howarth.

0.006 2015-08-19T02:23:16Z
    - This module now calls Test::Builder->diag and ->note _after_ calling
      ->ok. This is more in line with how most test modules work. Patch by Ran
    - Added a new exported sub, test_vars(), which does not output TAP. This
      is useful for integrating this module with things like
      Code::TidyAll. Patch by Dave Rolsky.

0.005 2013-05-31T02:04:42Z
    - Use skip_all instead of planning 0 tests (#4)

0.004 2013-05-05T13:48:11Z
    - Remove an unnecessary use of smart match operator

0.003 2013-05-05T12:57:49Z
    - re-package with Module::Build

0.002 2012-10-09 08:50:46
    - fix for perl 5.16+ by Nicholas Clark, committed by Olivier Mengué

0.001 Wed Mar 10 12:32:56 2010
    - original version; created by Module::Setup