Revision history for Perl extension TM
Note: Entries now marked with ! indicate a break of backwards compatibility.
1.32 Mi 19. Mär 17:17:11 CET 2008
- t/*.t trying to massage Class::Trait invocations such that they work with Perl 5.10
1.31 Di 18. Mär 13:37:54 CET 2008
- TM::Bulk: added peers and peers* (rho)
- TM::Bulk: added associations (rho)
- TM::Bulk: fixed broken test cases (rho)
- TM::DM: fixed names, occurrences bug (a->z)
- TM: major reorg of the documentation (rho/a->z)
- TM::hash: no longer publicly documented (but works as before) (rho)
- TM::Axes: documentation of match search specifications (rho)
- TM: duplicate subject indicators are now systematically suppressed (a->z)
- TM::Tau: added some magic to treat < and * the same (rho)
- TM::Serializable::AsTMa: changed default omit_trivia to 1 (rho)
- TM: 'add' method now tries to protect _local_ LIDs, see doc (rho)
- TM: 'insane' method tries to detect inconsistencies in the TM structure (rho)
! TM: 'toplets' return ***REAL*** structures, not just IDs (rho)
- TM: 'asserts' return assertions, analog to toplets (rho)
- TM::Statistics: you have to ask for nr_toplets and nr_asserts (rho)
! TM: had to rename 'hash' because of a possible collision with another package (CPAN smoke tests), (rho)
- mldbm2.t: added "real" temp file handling (triggered spurious errors at smoke tests) (rho)
! TM: toplets return now only topic-like things (not assertions) (rho)
- TM: asserts returns now assertions, names, assocs, occs (rho)
! TM: toplets does not try anymore to make the list unique (rho)
! TM: methods is_reified and reifies aligned to canonical TMDM interpretation (rho)
- TM::Serializable::AsTMa: newly introduced directive %trace allows a bit more debugging (rho)
1.30 Sa 28. Jul 18:40:45 CEST 2007
! TM::Bulk: renaming of basenames to names, documentation
! TM::Bulk: vortex request fields aligned with modern TMDM/TMRM view
! TM::ResourceAble::mtime now returns 0 (not undef) when the resource cannot be determined
! TM::Tree: cluster moved into TM::Graph (just rename your use trait from TM::Tree to TM::Graph)
- TM : get_players has now the role optional
- TM::Graph added: (contains cluster, frontier and is_path)
1.29 Mo 16. Jul 21:14:31 CEST 2007
- made Log4Perl log object native into (should now work stand-alone)
- TM: internalize always took (undef, \ 'http://some.uri') parameters, documented now
- bugfix: TM::Synchronizable::MapSphere did not find child map implementation
1.28 Do 28. Jun 19:33:06 CEST 2007
- TM::MapSphere: mounted map topics get additional meta information as occurrences
1.27 Mi 27. Jun 19:00:04 CEST 2007
- added TM::Bulk trait (for mass retrieval)
1.26 Mon Apr 16 14:13:57 EST 2007
- added: diff for maps (EXPERIMENTAL, test cases missing, az)
1.25 Fri Jan 5 18:51:12 EST 2007
- added: TODO list
- rearranged (and generalized): atomification handling
- TMQL: added || shortcut, removed computed_content
- TMQL: rearranged grammar, generalized to content whereever possible
- TMQL: XML generation, content variable, attribute values variable
- 16tmql.t now responds to parameter (id of test case)
- fixed: TS ts_uo_eq treated one tuple sequence as set, the other as bag
- added dependencies: Term::ReadLine, XML::Simple (was missing in previous version)
1.24 Sun Dec 24 17:52:02 EST 2006
- added: parameter control of things to ask in TM::Analysis
- added: workbench tm
- added: TM::Serializable::Summary: creates a short overview of the map content
- moved: selection mechanism of TMDM::topics is also available for TM::midlets
- ! changed: TM::midlet() expects that all IDs passed in are already absolute
- added: TM/QL/*
- aligned TMQL support with latest spec (not complete yet, though)
- added: rudimentary AsTMa 1.0 serialization support (az)
1.23 Fri Dec 1 17:56:09 EST 2006
- modified: TM: match_forall hook char.irole -> char.topic, old deprecated
- created: TM::Index to hold all index-related functionality
- modified: TM index handling now can used lists of indices in match_forall
1.22 Thu Nov 30 18:22:51 EST 2006
- improved: TM::DM documentation
- rearranged traits to do 'inheritance'
- improved: TM::Tau documentation
- re-added: TM::Overview (tutorials missing)
- created: TM::FAQ (draft state)
- fixed: taxonomy bug in types (variable scoping wrong)
- changed: meaning of 'instances': a thing has _ALL_ topics as instances (even itself)
- added: TM::Analysis orphanage: figures out topics which have no instances, no types, ...
- added: TM::DM has more sophistication in selecting topics from a map
- changed: TM::Analysis is now a trait
1.21 Sun Oct 1 11:01:40 EST 2006
- added: first experimental TMQL support (test cases not yet included)
- improved: PSI docu (somewhat)
- introduced: traits (Class::Trait) to solve some architectural problems
- reintroduced: tree analysis
- improved: TM docu
- added: first support for indices, significant speedup
- patched: identifiers in AsTMa[12] can also contain . (dot)
1.20 Sun Oct 1 08:33:21 EST 2006
- added TM::Tau::Filter
- added TM::Analysis (first part)
1.19 Thu Sep 28 18:18:42 EST 2006
- split mapsphere test into two parts (MLDBM does not like it to be used with different serializers in one program)
- added torture test for hierarchical MLDBM2 databases
1.18 Sun Sep 24 18:24:11 EST 2006
- added first MapSphere support (experimental)
- added more subjects in TM::PSI
1.17 Sat Sep 23 09:26:42 EST 2006
- added BerkeleyDB based MLDBM map implementation (TM::Materialized::MLDBM2)
- fixed/reduced package dependencies
1.16 Tue Sep 19 20:15:49 EST 2006
- added driver for maps stored via MLDBM
1.15 Sun Sep 17 12:03:54 EST 2006
- added AsTMa 2.0 parser
- added merging tests
1.14 Sat Sep 16 17:08:10 EST 2006
- reanimated AsTMa 1.x parser
- added TM::Resource to capture generic resource handling (adapted TM::M::File)
1.13 Sat Sep 16 10:27:01 EST 2006
- another consolidation after much infrastructure work
... only internal distributions for experimentation...
1.10 Tue Jul 27 13:48:21 EST 2004
- complete reorganisation and new (yeah) basic data structures
-- COMPATIBILITY LEAP ----------------------------------------------
1.05 Tue Jan 13 08:29:29 EST 2004
- public version, packaging
1.01-1.04 pure internal development version
- added abstraction layer for virtual maps and tau expressions
- added transactions
- reorganised driver infrastructure 10 times
- update AsTMa= parser to latest spec
1.00 Sun Jun 29 19:56:20 EST 2003
- feature poor reimplementation with completely revamped data structure
-- COMPATIBILITY LEAP ----------------------------------------------
0.36 Not published
- added freeze and thaw commands to
0.35 Mon Aug 5 21:20:43 EST 2002
- added missing maps/test.ltm (need better cpan simulator)
0.34 Sun Aug 4 21:32:45 EST 2002
- added LTM/CParser (would not build automatically on some systems?)
- more speed improvements in XTM::Memory (topics query)
- fixed documentation bug for induced_topic_tree
- added class-instance as special association type to induced_topic_tree
- added loop support (via shared trees) in induced_topic_tree, pruning reduces runtime
- added some PSIs to XTM::PSI
- added method descriptions to the most important base classes
0.33 Fri Jul 26 21:35:17 EST 2002
- fixed bug which raises exception when XTM::Path creating /topic[@id = '...']
- changed simple search syntax in XTM::Memory 'regexp' -> 'regexps'
- added commands 'merge', 'duplicate_suppression', 'follow_maps' to
- added consistency to be passed through all sync_ins also through XTM::Virtual
- added t/08topic.t for simple tests
- added 'is-reified-by' clauses in AsTMa (XTM::AsTMa::Parser) for topics and associations
- added AsTMa directive auto_complete
- added AsTMa directive encoding to occur several times in a document
- added first (still experimental) version of LTM parsing, see XTM::LTM
- fixed strange 'cannot add to undefined' error in XTM::Path when using XTM::Path::create and find inside one program (workaround, not solved yet)
- allowed several scope topics for an association (follows XTM and LTM)
- added caching to XTM::Path, already parsed expressions are cached
- added variable to XTM::Path (similar to SQL prepare/expecute)
- added method add_defaults to XTM::topic to add default type/scope to topic components if missing
- modified Memory, generic for major performance improvements when merging (still some potential to be used)
- modified Memory: merging dies if a topic is merged with an existing but both have a
different addressable resource
- fixed bug in XTM::Path not detecting correctly strings '0'
0.32 Sun Jun 30 20:36:01 EST 2002
- added XTM::grammar, a package to hold element dependencies and nesting (internal mainly)
- added XTM::Path, XPath-like navigation through XTM::base data structures
- XTM::Memory::id: setting of id added
- XTM::topic, doc corrections
- using a precompiled version of the Parse::Recdescent (considerable AsTMa= speedup)
- fixed potential problems in XTM::generic
- added merging code to XTM::Memory, is controlled via a hash in XTM constructor (BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY?)
- fixed docu/code mismatch in XTM::topic (occurrences)
- added scope_eq to XTM::scope
- added canonicalize to XTM::topic (removes duplicates, sorts things)
- added more query clauses for the simple query language in XTM::Memory
- more directives for XTM::AsTMa (naming, encoding). Use with care.
0.31 Thu May 16 16:56:40 EST 2002
- got rid of XTM::XML::ParseError and used XML::SAX::Exception instead
0.30 Wed May 8 17:50:02 EST 2002
- removed dependency of File::Slurp (weird version number), reported by az
- fixed bug in incorrectly reporting line numbers in AsTMa::Parser, reported by az
- various documention bugs fixed (still much to do)
- some minor changes in switches (see man page)
- AsTMa parser: local comments MUST have at least one blank before the '#' (see docs, may break some maps, sorry)
- activated tests (old XML::LibXML core dump error has disappeared)
0.29 Feb 25 07:23 EST 2002
- Debian test version
0.28 Wed Jan 16 22:17:57 EST 2002
- fixed empty character handling in AsTMa::Parser, added line number for better debugging
- added more accurate dependencies
- added some explanation to the README
- fixed XTM::XML::MemoryBuilder to work with SAX::Expat, LibXML::SAX and PurePerl (still a problem there)
- AsTMa parser: added directives %cancel, %log
0.27 Mon Jan 14 12:23:41 EST 2002
- added missing XTM::AsTMA::MemoryBuilder
- fixed test suite bugs which occur at some other Perl installations
0.26 Mon Dec 31 21:49:37 EST 2001
- add xml output serialization for (most) classes
- revamped XML::ATM into XML::AsTMa, XML::ATM is not distributed any more
- added into bin/ (converter), this obsoletes
- fixed some bugs in XTM::XML
- added connected methods to topic and association to return all topic refs mentioned there
- added test for topic IDs in (experimental), have to be valid XML identifiers
- started to move to Test::More for testing
- added bin/
- fixed unclean code in XTM::topic::has_instanceOf, checking for URIs now
- moved XML parsing to XML::LibXML::SAX using the XML::SAX factory
- moved most testing to Test::More, added numerous tests
- added population mechanism into XTM::topic to load default values
- added auto_complete parameter to all XTM::IO subclasses to control auto_completion, default is 1
- updated README to reflect Perl version 5.6.1
- added support to README
- added 'stats' command to
- added commands 'topics' and 'assocs' to
- modified URIs handling in URIs without a scheme will default as file: URIs
0.25 Mon Dec 17 18:06:24 EST 2001
- added statistics to info() in XTM
- added clusters() in XTM
0.24 Sat Oct 20 18:46:32 EST 2001
- fixed bug of not escaping & in XTM::ATM for occurrences
- fixed bug of not checking for all URI schemes in XTM::ATM
- fixed too restrictive pattern in XTM::ATM to allow valid XML ids as topic ids
0.23 Sat Oct 13 12:32:11 EST 2001
- added XTM::ATM support, documentation in docs/astma.html
- fixed hickup in pod in XTM::Virtual
- silenced 'Uninitialized value....' during make test in XTM::XML and XTM::ATM
- fixed some documentation errors, formatting
- added more map debugging facility in XTM (see XTM::info)
- added map meta information to XTM and
- distinguished between topic and assoc searches in
- straightened syntax for XTM::topics 'assocs .....' to allow no trailing characters
- changed meaning of parameters of induced_vortex in a subtle but dangerous way
0.22 Sat Mar 17 10:22:40 EST 2001
- fixed test maps which made 'make test' fail
- fixed nr of subtests in 04virtual.t
- removed debugging output from XTM::Virtual
- fixed missing use XTM::generic in XTM::subjectIndicatorRef
0.21 Sat Mar 10 11:24:10 EST 2001
- added XTM::Virtual
- added virtual map support into
- added commodity function (induce*) to XTM
- added XTM::base as introductory package
- moved XTM::XML::PSI to XTM::PSI
- removed _massage from XTM::XML::Grove2TM
- relaxed is-a ... pattern for queryingto allow for PSIs
- unified various redundant subroutines in XTM::Memory
0.20 Sat Feb 24 23:28:45 EST 2001
- minor release gap because of completely reorganised package structure
- honoring XTM-1.0 (modulo TNC)
- consolidated topics and c_topics into some simple query language driven routine
- moved all thread code into separate server distribution
- added workbench
0.12 Sat Feb 17 10:15:39 EST 2001
- fixed memory management which cause loooong hangs on the server at some requests
- fixed small bug in xtmctrl which made it complain in interactive mode
- optimized a bit assoc via <topic> with <topic> queries
- optimized XTM::Virtual cache management, small reorgs there
- introduced config management via additional switch to
0.11..0.07 not documented, intermediate panic releases
0.06 Fri Feb 9 13:49:13 EST 2001
- fixed daemonization
- optimized XTM::Memory::_topic_tree handling a bit
- XTM December version of the standard implemented, not fully complete
0.04 Sun Dec 31 14:18:45 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
- cloned from inofficial TM-0.04 version
Revision history for Perl extension TM.
0.01 Tue Jul 27 13:27:54 2004
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-n TM -X