Revision history for Perl extension XTM.

0.25  Mon Dec 17 18:06:24 EST 2001
	- added statistics to info() in XTM
	- added clusters() in XTM

0.24  Sat Oct 20 18:46:32 EST 2001
	- fixed bug of not escaping & in XTM::ATM for occurrences
	- fixed bug of not checking for all URI schemes in XTM::ATM
	- fixed too restrictive pattern in XTM::ATM to allow valid XML ids as topic ids

0.23  Sat Oct 13 12:32:11 EST 2001
	- added XTM::ATM support, documentation in docs/astma.html
	- fixed hickup in pod in XTM::Virtual
	- silenced 'Uninitialized value....' during make test in XTM::XML and XTM::ATM
	- fixed some documentation errors, formatting
	- added more map debugging facility in XTM (see XTM::info)
	- added map meta information to XTM and
	- distinguished between topic and assoc searches in
	- straightened syntax for XTM::topics 'assocs .....' to allow no trailing characters
	- changed meaning of parameters of induced_vortex in a subtle but dangerous way

0.22  Sat Mar 17 10:22:40 EST 2001
	- fixed test maps which made 'make test' fail
	- fixed nr of subtests in 04virtual.t
	- removed debugging output from XTM::Virtual
	- fixed missing use XTM::generic in XTM::subjectIndicatorRef

0.21  Sat Mar 10 11:24:10 EST 2001
	- added XTM::Virtual
	- added virtual map support into
	- added commodity function (induce*) to XTM
	- added XTM::base as introductory package
	- moved XTM::XML::PSI to XTM::PSI
	- removed _massage from XTM::XML::Grove2TM
	- relaxed is-a ... pattern for queryingto allow for PSIs
	- unified various redundant subroutines in XTM::Memory

0.20  Sat Feb 24 23:28:45 EST 2001
	- minor release gap because of completely reorganised package structure
	- honoring XTM-1.0 (modulo TNC)
	- consolidated topics and c_topics into some simple query language driven routine
	- moved all thread code into separate server distribution
	- added workbench

0.12  Sat Feb 17 10:15:39 EST 2001
        - fixed memory management which cause loooong hangs on the server at some requests
	- fixed small bug in xtmctrl which made it complain in interactive mode
        - optimized a bit assoc via <topic> with <topic> queries
	- optimized XTM::Virtual cache management, small reorgs there
        - introduced config management via additional switch to

0.11..0.07 not documented, intermediate panic releases

0.06  Fri Feb  9 13:49:13 EST 2001
        - fixed daemonization
        - optimized XTM::Memory::_topic_tree handling a bit
	- XTM December version of the standard implemented, not fully complete

0.04  Sun Dec 31 14:18:45 2000
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
        - cloned from inofficial TM-0.04 version