Revision history for Perl extension Net::LastFMAPI.

0.63 2012-02-07
	- $VERSION in ""

0.62 2012-02-07
	- nothing

0.61 2012-02-07
	- nothing

0.60 2012-02-07
	- code preening
	- symlinks don't work on windows

0.5 2011-11-29
	- simpler date format in changelog
	- use File::HomeDir instead of env var
	- extract rows/lastfm_iter now works with cache (thanks Christian Walde)
	- refactored the error message
	- refactored documentation

0.4  Thu Nov 24 19:46:48 2011
	- default to using JSON
	- add lastfm_config() configurator function
	- add lastfm_iter() which knows about pagination
	- link to relevant documentation in errors

0.3  Mon Nov 14 20:53:17 2011
	- command line scrobbler
	- test fix

0.2  Thu Nov 10 08:39:55 2011
	- refresh session key if env $NET_LASTFMAPI_REAUTH
	- command line interface

0.1  Tue Nov  8 01:04:46 2011
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX Net::LastFMAPI